Fun Fact Friday: Every Building Swire Builds Is Blessed By Monks… Twice
April 28, 2017 by Lucas Lechuga

We find ourselves praising Swire Properties regularly. They move trees from their development sites to local parks rather than cutting them down, they donate money to The Underline (Miami's answer to New York's High Line), they spend $31 million on a climate ribbon that cools their shopping center, protects shoppers from the elements and looks really nice from every angle. Now, we also learn that each and every building that Swire Properties builds is blessed by monks at least twice.
The Hong Kong based developer has a tradition of flying monks to their build site at groundbreaking for a blessing ceremony. The ceremony is repeated once the project is complete. In 2005, Carbonell was even able to be blessed by the Dalai Lama himself! Brickell City Centre was blessed multiple times. First, there was a blessing ceremony at groundbreaking, then the East Hotel was blessed upon completion. Reach and Rise received their own completion ceremonies with the East Hotel receiving an additional blessing at this time. When the mall opened, the entire project was blessed again. Talk about counting our blessings! Here are the other buildings in the area that were built by Swire Properties:
Brickell Key One (1982)
Brickell Key Two (1991)
One Tequesta Point (1995)
Courvoisier Courts (1997)
Two Tequesta Point (1998)
Three Tequesta Point (2001)
Courts at Brickell Key (2003)
Jade Residences at Brickell Bay (2004)
Carbonell (2005)
Now that's what we call #Blessed!!