Shoddy Construction at Neo Vertika?
May 21, 2007 by Lucas Lechuga

This has been a blog topic that has been on the back of my mind for the past couple of months. I kept brushing it off as nothing more than residents griping out loud, but after delving deeper into the issues, I now realize that there are major questions to the quality of construction that was put into the development of Neo Vertika. Neo Vertika resides in the neighborhood of Miami known as Brickell, or West Brickell to some. It was completed in August of 2006 and has had nothing but problems since its inception. There have been three major water leakages, two of which resulted in entire floors being flooded; the building sprinkler system has needed replacement, requiring worker-access to each and every unit; and the air conditioning system is unusually loud. I have personally spoken to a few condo owners at Neo Vertika who received hefty insurance checks after having their units flooded, which had destroyed their recently laid hardwood floors. While these payments might be justifiable to the afflicted parties, they will inevitably be paid for by current and future condo owners of that building, either directly or indirectly. My guess is that a major increase in association fees is just around the corner for condo owners at Neo Vertika.
Prices at Neo Vertika have dipped in the last six months. The various problems with the building, such as the ones mentioned here, will likely pour salt in an open wound and make matters worse. I have also heard similiar construction complaints about the first Neo LLC development known as Neo Lofts. This makes me wonder how sound the other two developments currently under construction by Neo LLC, known as Wind and Cima, can be. Maybe Coastal Construction Group, the construction company used to build Neo Vertika, can get it right this time with Wind and Cima.
In other news at Neo Vertika, the pool-side bar is now complete. While Miami has the reputation of being a 24/7 party, this type of action is unheard of for a condo building in Miami. Prior to the installation of the pool-side bar, I have had several clients complain that the building has turned into a fraternity house. While this might be an ideal situation for some, most condo owners there will suffer. I'm guessing that the opening of the pool-side bar, and the money that will be made from it, is management's answer to the ensuing insurance hike that will inevitably occur. Anything not tackled by the profit of the pool-side bar will eventually be passed along to condo owners in higher association fees.
At least the construction of the bar looks good. Take a look at the pictures above and the video below to see it for yourself. Cheers!
Neo Vertika condos for sale
Neo Vertika rentals
2 bedroom condo overlooking water, 6th floor and up. 12 Month Rental