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Ten Museum Park Banner Ad

July 24, 2008 by Lucas Lechuga
Ipod Tower

Driving by Ten Museum Park the other day, a friend of mine asked me, "Why would the owners of units in that building allow an ad to be displayed on the side of their building?".  I'm sure many of you have thought the same thing while driving down Biscayne Boulevard.  My response was simple, "They likely have no say in the matter".  The office space located on the lower part of Ten Museum Park is not owned by the developer nor the condo association.  I believe the office space is owned by Michael Comras, a well known commercial developer in Miami Beach.  Michael, if you're reading this, I vote for new ad sponsorship.  A Victoria's Secret ad featuring Adriana Lima ought to help out with the traffic congestion down Biscayne Boulevard.  Ha!
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16 years ago

Hahaha. Beautiful architecture, high end amenities, gorgeous views.

And crass, tacky commercialism — on your HOME. Awesome job 10MP.

16 years ago

Reminds me of the humongous Ipod billboard on the Santa Monica Blvd I have been seeing for the past 5 years.
Talking about LA, Just concluded my annual trip to the LaLa Land. I am extremely disappointed with the city. I used to love LA. It used to be one of my fav cities in US along with NYC and Miami. I have to sadly drop it from that list. The city is looking more and more dilapidated. Excluding West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, vast swaths of the city look very third worldish. I swear I could be in Puebla and not LA.
The famed Freeways look in utter disrepair. Dirt and filth on the sides instead of green, potholes and cracks everywhere. LA is turning into a desert. Hollywood blvd is as seedy looking as ever. Sunset blvd has not changed one iota. Nightlife is just so so. Just some wannabes hanging around. I don’t see that many beautiful people anymore either. The city is $15 billion in the hole.

One biggest culprit could be Miami. After seeing the dazzling Magic city, the glitz, glamour and razzle dazzle, hypnotic water all around, my eyes got completely pampered and spoiled. I invariably end up comparing every city to Miami. And nothing ever matches up.
I think presently Miami,Ft.Lauderdale is the most beautiful city in America. Nothing comes close.

Once Again
16 years ago

The Ads are dumb. Nothing wrong with puttign up ADS but if it’s on your building you better than be geeting some of that money to the HOA.
It’s a common area in my opinion.

These ads generate between 40k and 50k a month. i know cause I’ve bought billboards and spectaculars and thats what some of the ads run p/month for the space.

16 years ago

Here’s a link to an article about the Wal-Mart in Downtown Miami:

16 years ago


Leave L.A. alone, it’s still better than Bombay. What you are viewing is the result of a million or more illegal aliens. One day, they will wake up!

As for the ad, I understand the Trojan condom company is producing a 60-floor tall condom-shaped piece of latex which they intend to use sheathing a roundish building at around 16th & Bayshore…..

16 years ago

come on. seriously, miami/ft laudie most beautiful cities in america? hell, off the top of my head, new york, chicago, new orleans, miami, charleston, seattle, boston, dc, atlanta, san fran and san diego are better looking, more architecturally pleasing cities. miami’s downtown is an abortion. lauderdale’s downtown is what? six/seven buildings excluding the nightmare that is the federal ct. house?

Wild Bill
16 years ago

If that were my building I would be pissed. That ad signifies the developer has not given control over to the board. The condo exterior is still a common area and the ad would not fly if it were a board run building. Looks like a material alteration without unit owner having a say in the matter. The developer is pocketing the money. Most likely doesn’t have a permit either.
Even more pathetic than those ads are the architectural renderings of what Park West was supposed to look like. According to the community plans this area looks nothing like it was supposed to. What a sad joke.

Go Neon
16 years ago

Ad should be neon. If the ad was for a cigarette smoke could be blown out from the sign. Also, another ad campagn.
By the way little known fact. The owner of these spaces get BIG monthly income. I know of a spot not as large nor as high profile that is getting $50,000 each month. To bad the condo association does not get a chunk of this. Hey maybe now they now it is big bucks, they can build a slidding curtain around the ad and exercise air rights?

16 years ago

Hi Jcrimes,
From your list, I only agree with San Diego and San Fran. Charlston is not a big city. So it is not in the running. I have seen all other cities in your list and yes, parts of them are beautiful. But you must agree that there is something about the Floriduh cities that set them apart. Tampa-StPete, Orlando, Miami Ft.Lauderdale are all gorgeous. Roads are beautiful. The landscaping and the green is the best of any American city.

probably too cynical
16 years ago

the ad kind of looks like a suicide jumper on his way down, no? (perhaps someone who bought in that building at 2005 prices?)

16 years ago

Lucas: I’m interested in older condos in the Brickell Area. Some of them are beachfront right next to the Jade Building. How can I get information on these older buildings? Is there a web site specialized in these kind of properties? Thanks in advance.


Hugo P
16 years ago

Great…. a Walmart next to the Performing Arts Center… just want Downtown needed… NOT!

I would be shooting myself ifI bought a unit in 1800, Quantum, 10 MP, etc… we are talking MAJOR trip generation here, and having circulated those roads a lot, I think this will be a major problem unless they do so heavy improvements (which they might)

BTW, on the iPod ad thing: Do you guys prefer an ugly ass blank white wall that is so visible? If we want Miami to become an urban lifestyle, these things will happen a lot!

Condo Swindlers
16 years ago

NO NO Here’s the real deal from one who knows….the commercial space is not owned by Michael Comrass….he is the leasing agent….the owner is….well read my book… far as sign….that sign earns the owner alot of money per month which superceeds his empty unrented commercial space-so look for more signs as more and more developed properties get finished with no tennats to be had…but hey thats in chapter 6 of the book….

16 years ago

I agree with Hugo P about Walmart…that is just what that area needs, another congestion builder. Driving down there is already worst than Times Square…you would never make it to a performance on time.Heck, why don’t we throw in an Ikea! That should get the roads good and clogged.

I also agree with Hugo about the ad…it is better than a huge, blank white wall…just waiting for some “tagger” to put his mark on.

16 years ago

This area does not need Walmart unless it is going to be some architectural marvel. It needs cozy cafes, it needs to be more pedestrian friendly, art galleries. I love the area and think it has a great future.
BTW in TMP did they start a Swiss Spa that they promoted to condo buyers in this building?

16 years ago

Lara said: “It needs cozy cafes, it needs to be more pedestrian friendly, art galleries.”

Good luck in this environment. “Cozy cafes” and art galleries won’t get business financing. Even Starbucks, which is not “in need”, had to close 600 stores.

NJ Dave @Q
16 years ago

This was a big white canvas waiting for something – anything to happen. By seeing the lighting installed above the ipod ad this looks to be permanent billboard space. I like the design and progressive product plus the apple brand assocated with the city – bring it on!

On Walmart, I like what they carry and would frequent the store but it’s customer’s habits are counter to the block they are planning to locate. We’re looking for street activity that marries with art center not more people in cars. This would be welcome just 2 blocks west and closer to the ramp the highway ramp.

16 years ago

Lara, Supposedly Arquitectonica is going to be designing the exterior of the Walmart so it’s not going to look like a typical warehouse style Walmart you would normally see. I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

I’m also curious to know more about the progress of the SPA at Ten Museum Park…

Wild Bill
16 years ago

Wait until that billboard turns into an advertisement for Walmart or Tampax. Then everybody will want it removed immediately. Everybody will be asking for the white wall again.

16 years ago

This whole walmart Sept 11th scenario is typical of our local politics. Supposedly, the commissioner that represents this area was elected after this crucial vote came to be and it appears that we are stuck with this monstrosity in Miami’s Arts District. How convenient for the politicians. Does anyone know which politicians approved this project? In true Miami fashion a very stealthy move indeed. Needless, to say I am livid… An effrontery to all as far as I am concerned. But fear not, this is stink is just going to get bigger and bigger and there will be very angry voters going to the polls.

16 years ago

as for the spa at TMP, hasn’t opened yet. however, you can go across the street and get a turkish massage from any of the homeless folks in the park for a buck.

16 years ago

If not WalMart, then who is going to come in to anchor that space. It’s not like any retailer is gung ho on setting shop there.

I’m pretty confident that WalMart could force that 640,000 sq feet of retail to succeed and that would mean a lot of little stores would benefit.

I’d prefer to see thriving retail geared towards the middle class than a dead zone sprinkled with artists, but maybe you guys prefer another Omni-like dead space that fits in better with the current destitute vibe.

” Indiana developer Mark Siffin, president of Maefield Development Corp., is in talks with Wal-Mart representatives to have the retail giant occupy about 170,000 square feet on the second floor of his planned five-story retail complex known as City Square.
City Square is planned for 1431-1451 N. Bayshore Drive and 425 NE 13th St. behind the east hall of the performing arts center. The 130-foot-tall project is to include 641,104 square feet of retail space and 4,052 parking spaces.”

16 years ago

The location puts it out of sight behind the East Hall of the Performing Arts Center and seems to be situated so that any Beach traffic will not congest Biscayne… win-win.

This leaves the Omni and all the Biscayne Ave storefronts to sell the “hi-end” couture that everybody thinks this area needs and will thrive on. Nothing like shopping Ligne Roset while watching the homeless walk on by US1.

Once again
16 years ago

Regarding TMP….well if I was the LE Pairie Spa would you want to open up your spa there now? Probobably maybee that’s why it’s not open yet. when they saw the project they too could have been fooled into this dream of luxury living but after the fact when the reality that the area has yet to succed in terms of peopel walking on the streets and cafe’s etc…why would you want to open up your 1st location there anyway.

To me TMP should be sued if I was a resident. Simply because not only were the layouts shitty (exception east side) but the on grounds that the project was marketed heavily with the LE Paire Spa first in the USA and a Micheal Caponni Lounge and Nightlife acess to Micheal Caponni promoted clubs. Well…were is Micheal Caponni now? Where’s the VIP pass to the velvet rope and how come you cant go to the lounge to get your drink. Looks like it’s a BYOB in the party room. HA!

So in other words it’s called false advertising. It’s been a year since that building started closing and it still has issues. So all in all if I was a purchaser there I would be livid as to why these things have not been delivered as marketed and would file suit.

16 years ago

What self respecting city anywhere up north would have a walmart next to its “pride and Joy” state of the art Performing Arts Center. Can anyone envision a Walmart in back of, besides or for that matter anywhere in the vicinity of Lincoln Center? That is what I am so enraged about. This land is sacrosanct for those of us that care about this city. I would prefer nothing than a walmart. I understand that this is not my decision and I am just expressing an opinion, but for god’s sake, walmart in that parcel of land?! why not a couple of blocks away… I am not against walmart… at all and yes in that neighborhood it probably does make more sense than high end at THIS time, but does it have to be across our 2 museums and hopefully to be our best park, performing arts center and the entrance to the beach which possesses the best vistas in all of Miami… Come on…

16 years ago

Sarnoff threw his hands up on this. I don’t know if it is a lost cause. I wish Walmart comes next to the Bayview Market (Lowes), just west and north of the Opera house. Talk to Pedro Martin. He is the only guy who can stop this. But when he pays $190 Million to Herald for these parcels , I guess he is not thinking of charity.

Can we lobby the city to pre-empt the sale and aquire the land under eminent domain?

16 years ago

this wal mart project i believe can be faught even if the planning board has already approved a massive retailer for the site. remember a while ago in brickell on sw 8th st and s. miami ave, the site that they were going to construct, brickell city centre, huge open green lot space now. the city approved a greyhound bus station there because of its proximty to the metro mover and metro rail. the project was cancelled due to a petition of the local residents sating conjestion and even property values will drop. this needs local complaints to the city planning dep.

Condo Swindlers
16 years ago

No spa, no restaurant no Michael Capponi, no cabannas, no waterwall, no food services by the pools? and what did the project look anything like the renderings……Lawsuits Law suits galore the only ones winning the condo game here in Miami are the LAWYERS…

16 years ago

I agree with DLJ 100%. I think that if protest to walmart in that spot is going to be ovewhelming then something could be done. We just need a LEADER.

I am just surprised that Miami officials do not see it. Any one who cares even a little bit about the city can see how inappropriate Walmart is going to be in that spot. 2 blocks to the West would be a perfect spot for them. I am sure they are not going to get less business because of that.

16 years ago

Un-related – Starbucks only closed only one cafe in proper Miami and one in North Miami. In addition it has opened a cafe recently on 30th and Biscayne.

16 years ago

Apologize for the grammatical error.

16 years ago

I think you are wrong that Comras owns the space. I believe Comras just the leasing agent.

I think the developer still owns the space. Just changed its name to a different LLC. “1040 Biscayne Commercial” address for business is still the same address as the original developer and was updated last month. You can check the filings for LLCs on state secretary website.

16 years ago

Samir Patel,

Perhaps you should re-read my remark and leave it in context:

“Good luck in this environment. “Cozy cafes” and art galleries won’t get business financing. Even Starbucks, which is not “in need”, had to close 600 stores”

I certainly don’t see how you could interpret this as anything but a comment on a national situation. For the record, start-up cafes, art shops, coffee shops and restaurants, in almost all cases, have to be self-financed by the owner NOT by a lender. Most do not work over time no matter how much is spent by the individual.

If you want to make this neighborhood specific, I have one name for you: Karu & Y!

16 years ago

Un-related – I believe lara was discussing the area where the walmart was potentially going to be placed – the city square site which is in the Arts District. The Starbucks I mentioned was in the Arts District. Karu & Y, I believe is in Park West. There is a difference.

16 years ago

I have e-mailed Commissioner Sarnoff repeatedly about the Walmart fiasco and he has not responded. He has even ignored my phone calls. Hmm… any thoughts on this?

I will start e-mailing different associations around pace park and hopefully organize a coalition against walmart in this particular spot. I have already e-mailed and communicated with the president of Plaza Venetia and she is onboard as I’m sure will be a preponderance of the unit owners in this building.
I will also get in touch with the head of the association of the Venetian Island’s Neighborhood.

16 years ago

BTW, Commissioner’s Sarnoff e-mail is:

Once Again
16 years ago

So lets get thsi straight. TMP has 2 banner ads one on the south side and one on the west. My estmate is he’s making $75 – $100k a month on these ads because they are spectaculars so lets say hi sincome is $80k a month fo rboth.

We’ll lets see if the unsold units dont pay maintence fees that about $1000 a month and lets say he has 60 unsold units thats $60k with money to spare.

so all thsi is just guesstimates but these ads are definitly making him money so wether it goes to is Profit line or towards bank lones or maint fees he’s still making money.

I wouldnt want the ads on my building but i guess in the shitty perdiciment TMP is in I rather it be holding onto a lifeline than letting it all fall apart.

16 years ago

Re the Starbucks situation, didn’t they just open the one on 125th Street? I drive past it all the time on my way to the highway, and here is why it failed:

1. No visible parking. There may be parking in the back but who can tell? The store is sandwiched in a bunch of other shops next to the Museum, so it looks inaccessible.

2. It’s on the wrong side of the street. Morning traffic from Miami Beach (i.e. folks with money) travel west to get to the highway in the morning and see Starbucks across the street. With all the traffic on 125th you’d have to be out of your mind to try getting across the street, or making a u-turn to park there, etc. Traffic flowing east towards the beach is made up of service industry types who live in the ghetto, and they aren’t Starbucks shoppers

3. Visibility: You can see teh Starbucks when you’re driving west and you’re on the other side of the street, but coming east there’s limited visibility, obviously no pylon signage, and Starbucks typically shows up in your rearview mirror after you’ve just missed it. See my posts on traffic above as to why no one will ever turn around to go back.

Literary Cafe Poetry and Lounge: This venue has been open for ever, it’s Starbucks primary competition, and it has the one thing Starbucks will Never have… soul. Check it out, it’s at 1350 NE 125th Street.

Bill P
16 years ago

I don’t understand the hoopla about the advertising on the building. I’d just want to make certain that the revenue goes to the owners. The wall should be common area.

The way the lights are situated it appears that advertising will be permanent on that wall.

As someone who stood in line over two hours for a new iphone this week, I got a good perspective of Apple clientele. I’d say that the demographic suits the building just fine.

16 years ago

From a February 2008 SunPost article:

“Down the street, the property at 1040 Biscayne Blvd. displays a stories-tall iPod mural for which the property owner, 1040 Biscayne Association Inc, owes the city $242,500 in fines.”

They owe a quarter million in fines to the city?! I wonder how much they owe now?

16 years ago

FYI…… The Miami-Dade County Commission voted in early July to reduce the number of mural advertisements from 45 to 35, and this is only allowed in the city’s “urban core” and nightlife district. Sorry TMP, your in the middle of it. WHY do you think the developer left the wall like that in the first place?????

Unfortunately, the problem arises when the building owner gets on upwards of $40,000 per mural/month,and, if illegally posted, is only fined $250/day. So, even if fined, the building owners are making out with a nice chunk of cash on a MONTHLY basis!

Currently, the city has amassed $2.5 million in outstanding mural fines and projecting a $20 million dollar budget shortfall.

And then, they take away the Back to School Tax Free Week. What is wrong with this picture?

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