Mary Brickell Village Picture Tour
June 11, 2009 by Lucas Lechuga

I think people from New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles will find the parking rates at Mary Brickell Village comical:

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great post as will add my two cents as one of the original and I mean original off brickell developers…what anyone emeber that Emerson Fitipaldi owned the majority of land in MBV-did you know that Mr. Perricone is was a landmark as the history of Perricone’s is the study of downtown and no knows better than the swindler as I have been involved and been arond since before time-when chickens and roosters announced the day on Brickell so whom better to give two-5 cents than the swindler..ask your questions as is DA BEST RE in S Miami. and let me show you why!!!!
get back here!!!
Looks like a ghost town… when were the pics taken?
Wow a publix! Thank god I have my dodge stratus and I can go to walmart and pay 25% less.
If PF Chang’s and Starbucks are considered fabulous then we have a serious problem in the Brickell dining scene.
I think with the right store mix you have a winner here. Remember they could have built condos here.
When I saw the pictures I thought the same thing….where are the people….the people darn it! What happened?!?!?! LOL Seriously, not a lot of foot traffic, but looks decent.
It appears the pictures were taken in the later part of the day or early morning when everyone is at work. Its not South Beach guys. Everyone in Brickell is at work in their offices during these hours. Take the same pics at 5:30 pm on a Friday during happy hour and it will look much more lively.
Maybe Condo Swindler knows. I met a French gentleman named Alain i believe a few yrs back whose company was originally involved with this. They were also involved at one time with CocoWalk. I believe they sold the right s to this property MBV. I think the name was Constructa?
Did anyone notice the conspicuous absence of people frequenting these doomed businesses. What lunatic would open a business in a crime invested, devoid of people day or night except criminals in downtown Miami.
Welcome to the forth wave of foreclosures, commercial real estate.
seeing that publix made me ‘gasm all over the keyboard!
Brickell is crime infested????
Wasnt that publix going to be a greenwise “organic” publix????????????
if not, it is the same as the other just 3 blocks……..
they should have oppened a WHOLE FOODS MARKET !!!!
good luck brickell (little mahattan) guys!
Haha, way to much hate around here, and each of you has contradicted each other. First, if anybody has actually gone out there at night, the restaurant life is doing quite well considering the economic times, in fact there is even a wait to eat at that place Drew considers not so FABULOUS…ugh hum…Brickell and downtown have a bunch of $$$$ restaurants and steakhouses, for most people who don’t want to pay $100 per person for a meal you need some good quality reasonably priced restaurants like P.F. Chang’s.
Secondly, to the crime, if there was a high rate of crime, according to half these people, who would they rob if its a ghost town? However crime was always really on the outskirts of Brickell and has decreased since the building boom, mostly b/c many of the criminals were pushed out to Cutler Bay and Florida City, b/c many of the Projects were closed for the land.
Now MBV is going to have its struggles with store fronts b/c of work schedule and not being well known, but the restaurant life is going to be a big help in promoting it and pulling it through this recession.
the other publix 3 blocks away is over crowded. This publix is closer (and a safer walk) to the metro mover. All you 900 fans can shop without driving now!
Agreed that we need another grocery option besides Publix downtown. Whole Foods bailed out of the Met project last december…that is too bad as driving 10 miles down to Coral Gables is not the most enjoyable.
Odds and Sods didn’t say crime “infested” he said crime “invested”. Maybe he was refering to mortgage fraud? Its about the only crime you are going to see in Brickell.
I don’t know how many of the posters here actually live in the Mary Brickell Village area but as a resident I thought I’d share my views. With a few exceptions most MB village retail and restaurants are buzzing every evening of the week (except perhaps Mondays) from happy hour (great specials) onwards. A 30-45 minute wait for a table at Rosa Mexicano, PF Changs or Balans is very common. While some retail (2nd floor mostly) is yet to be occupied, there is already a good mix combined with dentist, dry cleaner and now Publix. Remember Segafredo, Novecento, Badrutts and the always full Piola’s (and another new pizza place) all steps away from MB village there’s more life than even a few months ago. While a few homeless gather around the People Mover/Metrorail station, overall the village enjoys little or no crime based on weekly stats published in the local papers. Simply sharing my view that Brickell residents can find lot’s more in the neighborhood without necessarily having to drive like previously – that I suspect was the purpose of Lucas’ post in the first place.
The pictures dont due the area justice as yes the afternoons are quiet there except for lunchtime when everyone comes out of their offices. At night the area is quite vibrant as yes most of the restaurantd due fill up and even have waits..The empty stores as you say are filling up and adding new entities to an already good mix of high end and fare for regular people. La Fitness is weeks away which again will add to the mix not to mention the amount of spandex and botox to look at. Publix is supposed to be a “Green” publix and yes take it from a real foodie it is sooo much better than the other two just three blocks away-and agreed while would have rather had a whole foods do any of you think the people riding the metro would shop there-not to mention the walk-up counter that caters to those looking for a colada..
Remember all when Lincoln Road was a death walk, with homeless people sleeping in the vestibules, when The dead end Bakery Center wished it had some people to walk its hallowed halls…Is anyone really shopping at Merrick Park?? You all watch and heed my predictions that MBV will thrive and give the residents of Brickell a real destination playground for residents and adults now all we need is a Movie theatre as yes driving definately a waste of time when you live downtown.
I like MBV a lot. I just don’t like Brickell in general though.
Good post Lucas,
Unfort the pics don’t do it justice, and as the comments are being posted and those that have actually BEEN to MBV for lunch or dinner/drinks know that this area is probably one of the hottest if not THE hottest spot to go in Miami right now.
MBV has had major problems though; deficient construction (the place seems to always be in a continuous state of repair), astheteics (nowhere near as nice as the revamped and similar Cocowalk), hurricane delays, poor management, multiple ownership changes, along with slow leasing has hurt the center, but the tenants mentioned in previous posts and ones continuing to go in (and around the area) really are making the area a great place to live.
Just need a Books and Books bookshop/cafe to open there…It would be an instant success. Also, a bike shop and a competitor to Starbucks would be successful.
A few points from someone who lives a stone’s throw away:
The Publix. It’s a nice one, combining “green wise” organic offerings with regular publix fare. The selection and, obviously, the facilities are better than any other publixes (sp? publi?) in the area. Recommended.
Restaurants. The Oceanaire is the best seafood restaurant in Miami. Rosa Mexicano is fantastic, truly, and the service is good too. Balan’s is great for brunch. Pieola, a nearby pizza place, is cheap and quite good. I can do without some of the other eateries, but at least they’re there.
Clothing stores. They’re hurting a bit, since foot traffic is really only there at night. At least for now. There are however several nice stores serving more affluent clientele. For women’s clothing you can hardly do better.
Specialty stores. There’s a chocolatier and a tobacconist. There’s also a nice boutique pharmacy. I’ve heard a wine store is moving in too. Good stuff.
All in all I really like it. Combine this with the crush of newly constructed condos and easy access to light rail –as well as the new bars down the road (Badrutt’s, Segafredo, the new irish pub) — and we have a winner.
It’s nice to be positive about Miami for a change. Three years ago Brickell was an utter ghost town. It appears we wont be seeing those days for a long, long time.
I visited MBV in February and it was certainly not empty. It was actually a nice alternative to SOBE. We had dinner at Oceanaire and later drinks at Blue Martini. There were plenty of people there and the Blue Martini was actually full. Overall MBV was enjoyable and felt very safe and upscale. It had more of a neighborhood feel than SOBE for obvious reasons.
Well, when the same guy with different names keeps posting “crime infested” for every place in Miami, you guys know that he has no credibility any longer.
Leaving aside such haters, MBV was decently busy on many days and evenings I was there. I was looking to open a lounge there but the rents are ridiculous. I dislike Brickell but I do not mind hangin out at MBV. As the nearest Publix to Pace is now at Biscayne/50th street and it is a disgusting third world mess and I hate going there. So I will take the free Sky bus to MBV from Pace Park to shop at the publix until 2011/2012 when the Bayview Market opens in OMNI with its own Publix/Supermarket.
Yeah think More like 2011 or 2012 the earliest for that Market-they and or any other market (Hint Hint Whole Foods) should take the Circuit City space as its already built and can be a quick transfrom to Grocery-there is parking and no ground study through derm and all the other permits (Fees to the city) its going to be waiting a long time to get unless that is they bribe someone but that doesnt happen here in this city!!!
It would be great for midtown and give you a real market to shop in as I agree the 50st Biscayne is like shopping in the hood, too bad Bay Point…As far as a lounge at MBV could work with right mix-but not another segafredo or Badroots-think more laid back, non pretentious, lets see what the over the top $$ Irish pub will bring to the table-but a pool table in Brickell with inexpensive brews and drinks would be a nice touch…And you would be surprised in the power in negotiations as far as rent goes but thats another story…There are other ideas brewing as who knows I just may be opening something there or in the general area as well…will keep ya posted…
About 4-5 years ago I learned after- the- fact from someone who had been involved in discussions with Publix that the Equity One Reit -which operates many Publix anchored strip centers-had attempted to purchase the Omni and was hoping to bring in Publix as an anchor.
Equity One did not get the Omni deal but the group that did still has a perfectly suitable space in the NE corner for a Publix, Whole Foods, Fresh Market etc.
Has anyone heard any news re that possibility?
The new MBV Publix missed the mark by not having high- end prepared meals to go: was there recently and saw the same old greasy chicken baking under the heat lamp with other unappetizing chazeri.
How about Skyline Mary Brickell Village, is it going to get built? Its the condo that is suppose to be built above Publix.
look for a lounge/bar on the biscayne between 15 and 36. It is the place 2 b in a couple of years. Makes sense to negotiate and lock in a cheap rent at this time.
The NE corner OMNI had a private house which did not budge or sold out for many years. Finally the house is sold to OMNI developers (Argent). Now they can do something with it. A publix or WFM there would do very well with 5000 flats in walking distance with in that area.
That area is ok and agreed in a couple of years but again depends on business entity. The daily is making a killing but a few others there are hurting lets see what the Paramount project brings as the developer is basically bankrupt on that as well as many other of his projects-so lets see what goes in there-I know there is a new bagel Place coming soon so lets see how they compare to H & H-AJ you tell me….
As far as Skyline is concerned according to the owner she has sold enough units to begin construction and have hired the GC and will begin in July/August-But they will need to rethink pricing schedule as while the project is beautiful it will be costly-let see what actually gets built based upon their extremely lavish plans.
AJ #26
oops my mistake : the Northwest corner fronting Biscayne was originally allocated to a supermarket not the NE corner
I sent 2 emails to investor relations at Whole Foods last year prior to their withdrawing
from Met project suggesting that since there was no progress at Met they might consider Omni
Of course WF was aware of this alternative location but has had a rough year in the recession-depression as consumers traded down from fancier foods, and with less $ in the till WF has reduced the number of new store openings
Besides the lack of people has anyone noticed the lack of Jaguars, Lexus’s, Mercedes and Porsche’s, where are all the rich people able to afford these over priced Condos.
Judging by what few cars are parked outside these doomed businesses I’d say it’s the $125 crowd and if the little tiny yellow car is anything to go by we are below the $125 crowd for he can’t afford a $1.25 Latte let alone a $125 per square foot luxury high rise Condo with ocean views.
Have we sunk so low that the highlight of the Miami social scene is a grand opening of a Publix! What next a ribbon cutting ceremony of a McDonald’s by Obama or a Champagne bottle smashing launch of a row boat by the chimp who bit that woman’s face off.
O for yester year!
The Smart car is priced dumb. $12,000+ for that thing is idiotic. Mercedes Benz should drown and die in a toilet bowl. The ideal price should have been $6000, at which many people would be interested in that car including me. It is shocking that many other larger cars have as much fuel efficiency as the Fart (oops, I meant Smart). Tata Nano priced at $2500 in India is soon (likely 2011 or 2012 introduction) to come up with a Euro and US version with all the trimmings, safety and emission features for $6000.
Until the Merc guys drop the price in half, people should not buy Smart. There are many choices with better fuel efficiency and only 30-50 inches longer than Smart.
the restaurants at mbv probably do just fine. but there is so much dead space there for the retail component…just like cocowalk (which, without much shock, had the same architect). minimal foot traffic in the retail component means you will have incessant turnover.
…like I have said, a third of car dealerships must go and 10% of retail must go….. It is a structural recession, long and painful, not a cyclical recession. Not a depression overall, but not a typical recession by a long shot.
Ok-so it seems that many of you Downtown MBV naysayers as well as crime infested misguided need yet another dose of reality from the swindler. As you know The swindler, who yes is a downtown Miami resident, also a former developers representative who has built many buildings and as well has 20 years on Brickell needs to open all of your eyes to the bounty of opportunity the downtown Brickell life offers as this weekend, the proof is in the pudding as I would love to share my photos of Happy Hour from MBV as well as the lines of people waiting for tables at the areas restaurants this past Saturday night (recession WHAT recession)-as even I had to wait at Oceanaire and I am friends with Sean (who is an amazing Chef for all you who havent tried his food-its worth the price and then some compared to others but hey thats a review on my food blog…
Sunday morning proved yet another amazing reality that I took for granted and again would upload and share a photo where possible-but right in the middle of the downtown concrete jungle sits Simpson Park, a tranquil oasis in a city whereby Chinese drywall will be the talk of the town by January 2010-so remember folks where you read it first. But for you who dont know or have never been Simpson park is a landmark since the early 1900’s. This is as old school as it gets and while not as developed as lets say a tropical-knowing I95 is just steps away well thats says it all-on a whim I got sandwiches from Steven at Perricones and had myself a picnic in the FREE park and never realized I was in Miami until I walked out and back onto SE 2nd-talk about serenity now-
So how does this tranquil piece of old Florida relate to the condo boom-well its just another reality as to why the Brickell area life has so much potential so again all you harbingers of negativity get over it just because you paid premium prices-maybe go out and take advantage of the free bees and your fees might just not seem such a burden!!!
swindler, whats your blog? where are the uploaded photos?
Did you guys hear a new bike shop opened in super cool MBV? WOW! My life is now complete.
These pictures look as about as exciting as living in Dadeland or Sawgrass. I would just go ahead and move to Orlando if you like this type of development.
I just saw some spectacular inside pics of the flats Paramount Bay (in Bryan and Bills site) and Marquis (in Samir Patels site).
I have never seen anything as spectacular. The clawfoot tub in the middle of the bathroom with bayviews of a Paramount’s flat is simply superb. The bath and kitchen fittings and appliances are outstanding to say the least. The 10′ floor to ceiling windows and the views are just unbelievable. I am truly jealous. Guaranteed I will be spending a lot of time in the Edgewater Plaza (the Paramount’s water front mall) when it opens.
The two last great buildings. I am just a bit frustrated with not much news coming out regarding their opening date.
Samir, do you have any inside info on either buildings?
i live at plaza on brickell.
mary brickell village is full of life. you will find one of the best spots in Miami to eat and chill.
you would think Sobe is only thing to go out on saturday nights. come to MBV and you will see restaurants are full. and the best thing for me i do not need to drive and can have fun.
Brickell is Brickell. Thats why I do not understand when people think that Miami will go under. Yes they overbuilt some buildings in Miami. And those buildings have bad locations.
But nobody speaks here about successful buildings in Miami.
Plaza On Brickell is almost sold out and only couple units left.. You can not have better location in Miami right now. Mary Brickell Village is across the street and we are in the heart of Brickell.
You wont find bargains in sold out buildings. And they do rent very fast.
Ask Lucas and he should tell you.
AJ – probably a month for Paramount, probably sooner for Marquis
They should rename the Plaza “New Caracas”.
nywayz It’s indeed a very nice building. I saw a one bedroom there facing West and I felt it was very very small. Tiny.
You seem to know the greater downtown area very well. Do you know what is the name of the building which has the New York Bagel opening on the ground floor on the Biscayne blvd. It seems a rather nice building but no one ever talks about i. It is across the ‘Gallery Art’ (the old Mondrian).
Mary Brickell Village is amazing! I love it, and it’s so convenient to get to since it’s right next to the Brickell Metro station. It’s not always this dead looking, and it’s PACKED at night, with lots of people walking around. I love Brickell because every week it seems there’s a new restaurant or store opening up there, and the area always has more, and more people walking around. Brickell is the place to live.
Samir, thanks for the info. But smack in the middle of the opening of Paramount, they will be digging up the entire North Bayshore Drive. It is being completely redone at a cost of 1.4 million dollars. It will be a construction zone until November 2009.
So the access to Paramount will be only from the 20th and 21st st. So those rich people who will be coming to close (from my understanding upto 30% are ready to close as soon as the opening starts) might be slightly inconvenienced or will have limited access to the Pace Park. Not a major issue but a downer nevertheless.
the best icecream on Miami is right here ate MBV!
AJ some units are small they have 1 bdr small ones like 600 sf and big ones almost 1000 sf
yes many people from all over the world have a second home in plaza but does not mean thats bad.
i wish i have more wealthy neighbors from argentina and Venezuela
AJ, the building with the bagel place opening is called City 24.
You can rave about Brickell all you want but there is still no parks near your condo zip zilch nada except that one next to Icon which is the size of a postage stamp. Same on Brickell Key. You would think your in the middle of Manhattan. It has no soul. Yet if you live in a condo just north across the river you have Bayfront Park then Museum Park then Pace Park. And you dont have to wait for the Brickell Bridge to go up and down. Take the Metro Mover if u want over to MBV and Tobacco Road or catch a taxi. You dont need two cars. Remember that Loft ONe and Two has no on site parking for their residents.If you want two parking spaces move out to Dadeland or Kendall and fight your way into the city for two hours everyday.
Whatever Happened To Mary?
DJ, Thanks. No one talks about City 24 that much. It looks like a very nice building. Anyone knows anything about it?
Kramer, What Mary are you talking about?
I just looked up City 24 online and I see that a lot of Realtors are selling and renting that building. It is a very beautiful building, an excellent location and also seems very affordable to rent.
Lucas, how come you are not featuring it in your list of buildings in the Arts District? With 120 units, some with 1000 sf terraces and a pyramid like architecture, it is not a building to ignore.
The building from the movie that was supposed to be a restaurant at Paramount Bay next door to you