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Miami Condos in Brickell – Red Hot Foreclosure and Short-Sale Condo Deals!

December 23, 2007 by Lucas Lechuga

Miami Condo Deals

Before anyone takes me seriously, let me first just say that the headline above was meant to be a joke. Once you see the "hot" short-sale and foreclosure deals in the Brickell condo buildings below, you'll know what I mean. Goes to show that just because a condo is listed as a short-sale or foreclosure doesn't mean that it is priced well.

The Club at Brickell Bay

  • Unit 1409 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $800,000

  • Unit 2709 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $759,000

  • Unit 3318 - 1 bedroom/1.5 bath - $665,000

  • Unit 2305 - 1 bedroom/1 bath - $630,000

  • Unit 4017 - 1 bedroom/1 bath - $595,000

  • Unit 3919 - 1 bedroom/1 bath - $559,000

  • Unit 2823 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $549,000

  • Unit 2309 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $545,900

  • Unit 2304 - 1 bedroom/1 bath - $500,000

Vue at Brickell

  • Unit 1903 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $790,000

  • Unit 1004 - 2 bedroom/2 bath - $570,000

  • Unit 1209 - 1 bedroom/1 bath - $490,475

I'm not sure why listings like the ones above even make it into the MLS. It's a complete waste of time in my eyes.
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17 years ago

Lucas, i agree 1000%…really not sure what these people are thinking/hoping when they list like this.

other than time (and maybe a good slap in the face), what do you think will finally make sellers realize that 2004 is over?

I’m not sure how good of a deal this is. But in my area the condo market is in the hole, especially the downtown high end stuff. This is a good time to grab a deal up here to.

17 years ago

Ho, ho, ho!

Alejandro Diaz
17 years ago

I keep seeing people holding their apartments for a year and now they started increasing the prices, what are they thinking I have no idea, maybe they think if they start asking more for their apartments psychologically buyers will think its worth more

Jorge Bucaram
16 years ago

What’s going up with you people .. condos prices listed here are for year 2015.
Don’t be stupid; just divide whatever unit you are interested in by 3 or I would say 4 times, and then say take or leave it; and if you do not get an answer right away in that minute, just walk away.

16 years ago

God, even the women in the pic is a joke. Those are red hot plastic implants. I wish Miami would revert to some semblance of reality.

15 years ago

jamie, jamie, jamie……Miami wouldn’t know reality if it were sitting on its face.

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