Welcome to the New and Improved Miami Condo Investments Blog and Website!
March 18, 2013 by Lucas Lechuga

As you have probably noticed by now, there have been a lot of changes made to my website and blog. This is probably the fourth or fifth version of the Miami Condo Investments website but by far the one of which I am most proud. This project started back in October and the number of hours that were put into it, by myself and my website developer's team, is quite incredible. Coupled with everything else I have had on my plate over the past couple of months, it is surprising that I have been able to get any sleep at all. First and foremost, I want to say that this website is still a work in progress. Long-term, it always will be. In the short-term, there are some bugs/issues that we are working through and some planned enhancements that you will see rolled out over the next couple of months. Regardless, your input and feedback is greatly welcomed and appreciated! Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues while navigating your way through the website.
The old adage says that buying real estate is all about the three L's - location, location, location. That may very well be true but I think the flip-side to that is the three P's to selling real estate - presentation, presentation and price. As everyone knows, the right price will always sell real estate but when marketing luxury real estate, it is presentation that matters most. That was at the foundation of this new website. Presentation matters most! Any real estate agent can sell real estate at the right price. My goal is to sell real estate at the right price for my client - provided it is realistic. In a market like Miami's, selling high-end real estate is about eyeballs. The more eyeballs you get on a piece of property, the greater the chance you have of selling it. Miami luxury real estate has an international audience and, in order to get the most eyeballs on it, it needs to be presented in a glamorous, yet profound way.
Gone are the days of 500 pixel pictures to sell real estate. If you want to try to pawn your used Xbox 360 to the world, then that 500 pixel picture might very well do the trick. For luxury real estate, however, 500 pixels just doesn't cut it anymore. Luxury real estate deserves to bask in all its glory. When weighing out my options for my new website, there was no better choice, by advice of my website developer, than to incorporate a responsive website design. It is the future! Any website developer who tells you otherwise is either too lazy to learn how to implement it and/or hasn't figured out the intricacies for doing so. It can be quite complicated. Did I mention that this project has taken almost six months?
You might be asking yourself - What is a responsive website design? In a nutshell, it allows someone to show an image/picture at full resolution while taking into account the viewer's display orientation and size. Basically, the image/picture transforms itself to accommodate the viewer's display and therefore allows itself to be presented in the best way possible. Allow me to demonstrate:

The above picture is from the balcony of a $14.5M condo listing that my broker recently acquired. As you can see, the front row view you would have of the Atlantic Ocean and the beach down below is exquisite, to say the least. As a seller, wouldn't you want this view to be captured in all its splendor for everyone who might be interested in purchasing? Of course! That is where a responsive website display comes into play. If you're sitting at a desktop computer, then take the bottom right-hand corner of your browser and move it up to the upper left-hand corner. You will see the image above begin to transforms itself to accommodate your display. In fact, this entire website will transform itself. It is sort of like a Transformer Decepticon in digital form. If you are viewing on a mobile device, then the picture above is likely already at full capacity. Not much you can do because we have already got you covered.
In the coming weeks, I will write more about responsive website design because I really feel that I, and my website developer, have left all other real estate agents in the dust with this one. As a seller, you should gather your troupes and make sure that you are aligned with someone who has the technology to present your luxury real estate in the most fashionable way.