The #1 Miami Real Estate Website

Marina Blue Amenities – Video

April 25, 2010 by Lucas Lechuga

Marina Blue available sales
Marina Blue available rentals

Most of you have probably already begun to realize that the utilization of video is becoming an increasingly important part of our business.  We are currently in the process of developing a new website that will showcase these videos.  Our hope is that a video library of properties and buildings will allow non-local buyers to narrow down their options prior to arriving in South Florida in a way that words and pictures cannot convey.  This will allow them to best utilize their time while in town and find the real estate that best suits their needs.  Meanwhile, the Miami Condo Investments website will continue to improve and provide the content that allows buyers and sellers to research the South Florida condo market like no other.

Above, you'll find a video tour of Marina Blue.  It's a thorough, high-quality video of the common areas and amenities in the building.  In time, we hope to do the same with other condo developments in South Florida.  Oftentimes, approval from the condo board or property manager is required in order to capture such footage.  Please contact us if you're a property manager or sit on the board of a well known condo development in South Florida.  We'll cover the expense and be sure that the building is thoroughly captured as is achieved in the video below.
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14 years ago

I really appreciate all the videos you are posting. If you ever get a chance to see the 1 bed / 2 bathroom condo for sale at the Marquis, would you be able to shoot a quick overview of the unit? There appears to be little inventory at the Marquis and finding pictures of a 1 bedroom unit there is tough. A video overview of a 1bedroom at 900 Biscayne would be nice as well.


14 years ago

Very nice and helpful. Since you’re aiming this at out of town buyers, it might be helpful to start with a table showing basic facts (Name, year built, floors, range of unit sizes etc) followed by map showing location, then something like a Bing bird’s eye view, and then the main video. Also, the video should include a tour of the interior of a couple of “typical” units. Thanks for all your work on this great site.

14 years ago…15921&t=h&z=11

being a resident of miami this seems correct to me

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