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All That Remains of Camillus House in Downtown Miami

June 27, 2012 by Lucas Lechuga
Camillus House demolished

While showing property in a nearby Downtown Miami condo development yesterday afternoon, I noticed the pile of wreckage that was once Camillus House.  As expected, the site had been demolished early Monday morning.  Even though it had only been just a day since the demolition, I decided to drive around the neighborhood yesterday evening to see if I could recognize any differences in the neighborhood.  I weaved in and out of the streets around the area and found literally just one homeless person.  I truly did not expect to find much of a difference yet but the difference is there and quite obvious even to the most critical of people.  This is great news for Downtown Miami!

Camillus House demolished
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12 years ago

Lucas – As far as I know, homeless people are not lepers nor do they have the bubonic plague. But based on your posts about Camillus House, I’m not so sure.

If you’re trying to portray yourself as a greedy self-interested real estate hustler, you’re doing a great job.

While much of Miami’s homeless have ended up in their situation due to their own actions and decisions, there are many others who are mentally ill and who have run out of support or are no longer able to support themselves. To celebrate their exile (so you make more $$$ selling condos that are now a little more marketable) comes across as very sleazy and inconsiderate. Just an FYI.

12 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Drew, there is as much sincerity and heartache for homeless in your post as there is love in a pimp for his working girls.
That you are a total duchebag is a well-established fact, you don’t have to keep confirming it so often anymore.

12 years ago


That’s pretty funny. For years, the vast majority of the people on here have trashed Downtown Miami because of homeless situation there but now I’m the insensitive one? I’m merely showing the critics that they now have one less reason to gripe about Downtown Miami. The truth of the matter is that the homeless are the big winners here. They now have a new, multi-million dollar facility that is better equipped to handle the various needs of the homeless.

12 years ago

Drew you will pretty much find anyway to either bash Miami or Lucas’ site.

Old Drew on homeless people before Miami built a multi-million dollar facility to provide support for them:

“If Miami Beach wants an exclusive/ultra-luxurious image then they need to clear out the addicts and psychotic homeless who prowl South Pointe Park.”

New Drew after the facility has been built and less homeless people are downtown, which people have been complaining about for years.

“To celebrate their exile (so you make more $$$ selling condos that are now a little more marketable) comes across as very sleazy and inconsiderate. Just an FYI.”

So you refer to homeless people are psychotic prowlers and somehow Lucas is the sleazy one by simply pointing out that now that they have a new facility away from downtown there are less homeless people walking the downtown streets???

12 years ago

Being a resident of 900 for going on 3 years now I can tell you this is great news. While most homeless people are harmless they are a nuisance. Try to go get gas at the BP on any given day without constantly getting harassed for money. As Lucas stated this is a win win for the residents of downtown Miami and for the homeless as well as they are housed in a brand new very nice building. The old Camilus house was a dump. The new one is actually quite nice.

12 years ago

Gixxer, you have impeccable research skills. I’m amazed you have time to comb through this site’s achives while simultaneously going to grad school and being a Brickell real estate juggernaut.

Not trying to bash the site, and in fact think the site is great. Just expressing an opinion on how I interpret Lucas’ comments re the homeless. As a broker who is marketing himself on this site, he’s held to a higher standard and has more at stake than you and I who are simply anonymous posters. I’m just saying he could have (and should have) presented the Camillus House issue in a more tactful manner, b/c as-is, it could be offensive to some people who may otherwise seek him out as a broker.

12 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Lucas has a google site search. Typing in Drew and homeless took me about 20 seconds.

And how/where was Lucas not tactful. No where in the article does he refer to homeless people as anything derogatory unlike you. He simply says that there are less homeless people downtown and that downtown is better for it, which it is.

Could it be that you interpreted his comments incorrectly? The only possible way that you could have even took his comments in a remotely negatively fashion would be if you had no ideal that they had built a new bigger and better Camillus campus.

And how do you hold a real estate broker to a higher MORAL standard than yourself. You refer to homeless people as psychotic but yet take offense to people simply saying less homeless people live downtown near condos?

The fact of the matter is that if something happened that was bringing more homeless people downtown you would be on the other side of the argument arguing how people aren’t safe to walk around their luxury condos because they’ll get attacked by drug addicted psychotic homeless people when they’re not getting eaten by zombies.

12 years ago

If anyone is overly concerned about the homeless people in Miami here are the rendering of the new Camillus campus:

It has an overnight shelter, treatment center, dining facilities, day center, job preparation, cafe, and chapel.

Renter-Owner Tom
12 years ago

Hey – Thought I’d chime in. First, there seems to be an obsession with Camillus House in Miami. The fact is, this was the mother ship for vagrants – it attracted them from far and wide. Sure, they do help homeless on their pathway to be self-sufficient, but the majority are vagrants….alcoholics, drug addicts, and sadly the mentally ill. Where do you think people without work get $$$ — they beg, steal and commit other crimes. Had your car broken into? — well you can probably thank the “homeless” (really vagrants who have drank or injected all they had). Instead of Camillus House, we need a hobo farm where they can live the lifestyle they want without bothering the rest of us….I don’t want them pushing their problems into my life with feigned pleas for sympathy. If they like their drink…they can work at a hobo farm and grow and ferment all the alcohol they could ever want….just leave me out of it. We all make life choices…I don’t appreciate their bad choices being constantly pushed into my life when I stop at the 7-11. As for moving them out of South Beach…I’m all for it…and they can take a few cats with them! LOL

12 years ago


Lucas I love you, you have been obsessed with the camillus house demolition since 2008. I am glad you got your gift 🙂

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