Location Ventures Proposes a 16 Story Condo Tower in Coral Gables

Coral Gables' continued growth is being hinted at by Rishi Kapoor's, Location Ventures' proposal for a 16-story condominium. According to documents submitted to Coral Gables, Location Ventures plans to construct an 87 condo tower on a 1.6-acre plot at 1505 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, as well as at 122 and 126 Menores Avenue.
According to the minutes of the June meeting of the Coral Gables Planning & Zoning Board, the developer has a contract with the seller, who is a partner of Tibor Hollo's Florida East Coast Realty, to purchase the land.
At its meeting on Tuesday, the municipal commission is anticipated to vote on the request. In the event that the proposal is authorized, commissioners will vote on it a second time at the next meeting.
According to documents, Coral Gables-based Location Ventures intends for seven of the units to be live-work condos on the lower levels of the structure and the other 80 would be located on the upper levels. A 319-car garage, 10,500 square feet of retail space, 20,144 square feet of open space, and a public dog park would also be included in the project.
According to property records, the site is mostly empty save from a two-story, eight-unit apartment structure. According to the minutes of the planning & zoning board meeting, the historic structure, built in 1925, will be maintained and integrated into the project, maybe as retail space.
The finished 13-story, 39-unit Villa Valencia condominium at 515 Valencia Avenue is one of the company's developments in Coral Gables. In 2018, Location Ventures had invested $16 million in the property.
The business spent $20 million buying a pair of commercial structures in Miami Beach at 1260 and 1234 Washington Avenue last year. Under Location Ventures' Urban co-living brand, the 1260 Washington Avenue property will be refurbished, while the 1234 Washington Avenue building will be rehabilitated.