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Four Bank-Owned Condos in Miami & Miami Beach to be Auctioned September 19, 2007

September 4, 2007 by Lucas Lechuga
Four condos will be auctioned off Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at approximately 3pm. Three of the four condos are located in Miami while the fourth is located in Miami Beach. All four condos have gone through the foreclosure process and are currently owned by the bank.

1. Meridian Place - 325 Meridian Avenue #6 | Miami Beach, FL 33139

325 Meridian Place

This is actually a townhouse. Of the four units being auctioned, it will probably hold the most interest because of its fantastic location. Some of South Florida's most expensive condominiums reside in the South of Fifth neighborhood of South Beach. Built in 1994, this 3 bedroom/2 bath townhouse has 1,300 square feet of interior space, as well as two parking spaces (one garage space and one driveway space). County records indicate that the bank is owed $549,000. The opening bid is $100,000.

2. The Club at Brickell Bay - 1200 Brickell Bay Drive #2114 | Miami, FL 33131

The Club at Brickell Bay

Let's just say that I'm not surprised. I'll leave it at that. This 1 bedroom/1 bath condo has 818 square feet of interior space. The bank is owed $610,000. I guess they're in for a rude awakening come September 19th. The opening bid is $100,000.

3. Venetia Condo - 555 NE 15th Street #16-H | Miami, FL 33132

Venetia Condo

Venetia Condo is located at the entrance of the Venetian Causeway in Miami. The building was built in 1980. The condo up for auction is a 1 bedroom/1 bath with 800 square feet of interior space. It faces south and has views of Biscayne Bay as well as the cities of Miami and Miami Beach. The bank is owed $410,000. The opening bid is $50,000.

4. Blue Lagoon Condominiums - 5091 NW 7 Street #705 | Miami, FL 33126

Blue Lagoon Condominiums

Of the four condos that will be auctioned on September 19, 2007, I think the 2 bedroom/1 bath at Blue Lagoon Condominium will hold the least amount of interest from the people attending the auction. However, this makes it a great candidate to be acquired at bargain prices. Blue Lagoon Condominium is located near the airport, about 12 minutes from Brickell. It'll make for a great investment property if it can be obtained for $175,000 or less. The unit has 862 square feet of interior space. The bank is owed $305,000. The opening bid is $50,000.

Contact me for more information regarding this auction featuring the above four condos.
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george arocha
17 years ago

a close friend introduced me to your informative site and so far i have really enjoyed your views on the variuos topics and listings.

currently interested in the auctions, if you can provide more information, as time of day and location or perhaps the process and how it is conducted.

look forward to hearing from you.

scott marcus
17 years ago

i like what you are doing and you seem very frank and honest. i am interested in picking something up in south florida at a bargain. please get in touch.

Lidio Britto
17 years ago

I am a real estate auctioneer in Miami, and working in RE for 10 years. If you need comments about auctions, pls let me know, I am also very frank with the reality of the market. As a matter of fact, I stopped selling pre-construction condos in Dec/03; because I knew the glut of units was coming and I was not interested in having upset clients. Also, the unit at The Club that you reported in this blog, is a typical example of fraud done by citizens, not a result of bank’s subprime crisis, like the media is reporting. A lot of people invested in RE like if they were speculating with stocks and now are stuck. Why should we blame the banks for the bad decisions of greedy speculators?
Lidio Britto

Mauro Monteiro
17 years ago

Oi Lidio,
Aqui é a Daniele, vc se lembra de mim?
Desculpa te acessar por aqui, mas o Mauro tem tentado fazer contato com vc e não tem conseguido. Achei esta página e resolvi tentar…. Se possível entre em contato com ele,pode ser por este e-mail ou mande seus tels q ele te liga.
É que estamos nos programando de ir a Miami em fevereiro e gostaríamos de algumas dicas.
Aguardamos um contato,

steve markson
17 years ago

I just viewed your sept. 2007 auction site do you know the winning bid amounts?

17 years ago

I am a Canadian interested in picking up a condo as an investment and rental property. I am looking to spend about $300,000US. Firstly, how can i get a mortgage from a US bank? Secondly, can y0u please guide me to a good condo to buy that is easily rentable? Finally, can you guide me to someone who can manage my condo?


nitrous filling station
17 years ago

thanks for the auction updates i missed this one :/

17 years ago

The way I see it Lucas….between you and Donald Trump and Mr. Perez ….whatever the 3 of you say GOES.Thank you for this very interesting blog.

Monika M
16 years ago

Please contact me via email about foreclosure
high rise condos in South Beach and Miami.

Claude Jones
16 years ago

I am looking to buy bank owned properties anywhere in Miami Dade county > I will pay cash. I have my own rehab crew and I will buy properties in any condition even very, very bad condition . They do not have to be just bank owned I will buy from anyone. Again my speciality is property in poor condition.

Ramon Suarez
16 years ago

I am looking for a condo 2 or 3 bed. 2 bath. Located in south beach miami or very close.
Please let me know what are your best foreclosures deals. I am very interested. Plase I don’t like a to old building.
I am living in Toronto.
Thank you very much.
Ramon Suarez
647-241-9220(day) or 416-371-8312(night)

Ramon Suarez
16 years ago

I am looking for a condo 2 or 3 bed. 2 bath. Located in south beach miami or very close.
Please let me know what are your best foreclosures deals. I am very interested. Plase I don’t like a to old building.
I am living in Toronto.
Thank you very much.
Ramon Suarez
647-241-9220(day) or 416-371-8312(night)
Email: [email protected]

16 years ago

I’m an italian investor, I want buy an appartment with 2 bed and 2 bath. Are there in this sale taxes or many due which i must pay? thanks
Enrico Viviani

16 years ago

ACCROSS 1A1 PRIZE: $100000-150000.


16 years ago

ACCROSS 1A1 PRIZE: $100000-150000.


Reinaldo Rodriguez
16 years ago

I am looking for a condo/house in Sunny Isles (North Miami Beach), on Collins Avenue; Foreclosure, between 30 000 and 130 00).
Thanks, Reinaldo.

16 years ago

Looking to buy condo/townhouse under 130,00 cash in Aventura. Do thay exist?

16 years ago

i m interesting in a condo between 30000 to 60000 in cash at brickell.. If you have something, send me information thanks

jose puglisso
15 years ago

intersted in 4 or 5 bedrooms in the beach

Carlos Ortiz
14 years ago

Looking for apartment in Miami. Bank owned

Carlos Ortiz
14 years ago

Looking for apartment 2 o 3 bed roons in Miami.

13 years ago

Desperately seeking condo!!!!!, need to move right away, I want to buy a condo on NW 7 Street not farther than 57 Avenue, 2 Bed..2 Bath highrise, cheap, need to leave where I am at, because of my health, they are going to kill me… my kids that please need help good credit but not much money, but I like a nice place that I can call home and leave my home to my kids. Hurry,, please,,,, Thanks

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