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Chalks Still Working on Ambitious Seaplane Base on Watson Island

August 9, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga
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Chalks, which has plans to build an ambitious new seaplane base on Watson Island, recently submitted a new one page set of plans to the City of Miami with a new site plan showing how the structure would be oriented on the site. The surreal and spectacular building will be a towering multi-purpose structure, with a seaplane hangar and airport on the ground floor, commercial and exhibition space above, and the whole thing topped with a lighthouse, to a design by architects Wolfberg Alvarez. This is how the Herald described it January:
Vega showed commissioners a circular, nine-story building with a hangar and terminal on the bottom floor and a hanging garden in the center. Roughly 50,000 square feet of restaurant, retail and office space were included, an exhibition garden was planned on the fifth floor, and a media room and steakhouse completed the upper levels. The ninth floor was an observation deck, where people can watch seaplanes take off over Government Cut.

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