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Brickell Is Finally Getting A Park For Children

November 28, 2017 by Lucas Lechuga
[caption id="attachment_26955" align="alignnone" width="960"]Brickell Southside Park Playground Photo courtesy of Paola Andrea[/caption]

Anyone who lives in Brickell and has a family will tell you that one of the things the neighborhood lacks is a proper park for little kids. Sure, Mary Brickell Park has a playscape and also the park across from Santa Maria in South Brickell, but both of those are designed for kids that are older. There are no swings, no slide and no fun for the little ones...until now.

Three years ago, Southside Park was one of many in Miami that were closed for remediation due to contaminated soil. It was a huge controversy at the time, but today things are looking up for the green spaces. Most have already reopened, and Southside Park officially reopened in June of 2016, only to close again this year for the addition of a much-needed playscape.

At long last moms, dads and nannies will be able to take the kids out to play without taking the MetroMover to Bayfront Park, schlepping across the Brickell Key Bridge in the blistering summer heat, or getting our cars out to go to Key Biscayne or Alice Wainwright park! Thank you, City of Miami!!

For those who are unfamiliar, Southside Park is located just west of the Metrorail tracks at 140 SW 11th Street, just west of Axis at Brickell. As you can see from the photos, it is still very much under construction but looks really fun for the little ones already!!

[caption id="attachment_26956" align="alignnone" width="960"]Brickell Southside Park Playground Photo courtesy of Paola Andrea[/caption]
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