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The #1 Miami Real Estate Website

Sales Prices in Free Fall at BrickellHouse as Parking Saga Drags On

September 1, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga
Brickell House

Back in January, we did a check in at BrickellHouse to see how their parking drama was affecting transactions in the almost-new development. At the time, not much had changed. It appears though that we were at the edge of a cliff.

The Real Deal reported an update of the case on Tuesday, explaining that the debacle is far from finished. Apparently the condo association has sued the developer on behalf of the owners because the system is going to have to be replaced. The only available replacement system is configured differently and cannot hold as many cars as the current, defunct system. That would mean that some owners will have to forego their parking spots and they are not amused.

The developer insists that the entire system does not need to be replaced, only the software. And so the lawsuits go on, bouncing the blame around like a game of Hot Potato.

While the bickering continues, sales prices have been in free fall. In January I reported that sales values from Q4 of 2015 were sitting pretty at $641/foot. That is a healthy increase from the $595/foot that we saw from the developer’s pre-sales. It seems the market had not had time to react to the parking issue, but it certainly responded quickly. In Q1 of 2016, closed sales values fell to $456/foot, then down to $419/foot in Q2 and $402/foot in Q3. Yikes. With 79 active listings today and an absorption rate that could compare to pouring molasses in December, we are in for a ride.

There is no telling how long this will last. Nobody wants to buy into a building with a monstrous problem and banks will not touch the building because of the snowballing litigation. Heck, hard money lenders probably wouldn’t even do a deal there. Cash buyers are not as plentiful as they once were, so it seems the best thing for the owners to do is wait and pray.

On the bright side, the rental market has not been affected. Rental values are holding steady at an average of $3.50/foot. I guess the tenants don’t really care about parking. With our “Uber everywhere” society these days, it looks like what people really don’t want is drama.
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8 years ago

Monsterous? No, it’s monstrous.

Sarah Elles Boggs
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thank you.

8 years ago

Stop the negativity. You are accomplishing nothing.

8 years ago

It does nothing productive . It’s negative posts. As a realtor you should be propping up the positive benefits of investing short and long term not throwing out doomsday commentary which you’ve done repeatedly for icon brickell house and other prowprties. Lead with the positive not the negative.

get a grip
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonomous

hey “anonomous”, you sound like another dime-a-dozen hack of a realtor in Miami…you know, the ones who can’t spell and try to sell ice in the polar ice caps. The building is crap, the investment prospect is crap, and anyone who says otherwise is…crap.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonomous

Thank you for the advice, but I’ll stick with telling the truth and not sugarcoating it. But by all means, feel free to run your real estate business as you see fit. Good luck with that!

8 years ago
Reply to  Lucas Lechuga

As an interested foreign observer who has relied on this website to keep abreast of the Miami market (keep up the good work Lucas) I can see both points of view here. The post does read quite negative, but given the situation I don’t know how one could put a positive spin on it. Perhaps comments like ” … we were at the edge of a cliff.” just state the situation a bit too dramatically!

It is clear that this is not a good time to invest in that building, but it also does not mean that owners should panic and follow (like lemmings) those who have already jumped off the cliff. There will always be those that have to sell due to their circumstances. They have and will continue to push the prices down. There is nothing anyone can do about that in a free market except to keep your unit of the market unless you absolutely have to sell. Those that purchased the units for personal use should simply do so as they had intended while the condo association works through the litigation. Similarly, those who purchased to invest should rent the units for what they can get and do the same.

Real investors know that Real Estate is never a short term investment, but it appears many were spoiled by the recent rapid recovery. Putting the parking situation aside it should have been apparent to anyone paying attention that the Miami market has been overheated for some time. A large number of pre-builts sat unsold while everyone rushed to buy off plans paying big money for smaller units. Even at $595/foot it was never clear how one could make money as an investor unless the expectation was for an unrealistic price increase and short term flip. Given this an investor purchasing in the last 18 – 24 months should have factored in the high probability of a substantial price and rental rate drop due to the dramatically increasing supply.

Shame about the parking, but it will eventually get resolved. The real surprise is that this building is able to get $3.50/sq. ft. in rent!

8 years ago
Reply to  Observer

Don’t know who Paul is and if you’re trying to expose anonymous posts because you don’t like the comment, you should be careful as that is an ethics violation and just not cool. Insults shouldn’t be part of the conversation and if someone wants to posts their name they will. This is just constructive criticism. Point was tons of negative adjectives aren’t going to help anybody for any reason. It has nothing to do with what your opinion of the property is or the facts of the property. The words FREE FALL represents the prices are going straight down and may never return. Hacks don’t throw out a bunch of doomsday negative commentary anonymous. Long term I am sure that building will come around and work it out. Our feelings are there is enough negative press about potential bubbles. This helps no one. You have a great site and great marketing . Keep up the good work.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonomous

To put the conversation back on a friendly theme, There is some ceasing of or postponement of newer projects in early pre-construction phases which I think will help reduce inventory faster. Hopefully the big developers will start to realize it doesn’t help them by scaring off people in contract worrying about more and more new competition when they close. I’m not sure if the majority owners trying to sell or rent are really motivated. There is some talk that many of the South American buyers will walk away even from 50% deposits. I don’t buy that. I think the number will be minimal.

8 years ago
Reply to  Owner

I agree. No reason to turn buildings into pariahs. I look at this place as being a great steal if you can hold long term.

Sarah Elles Boggs
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonomous

I’m sorry that you don’t agree with my choice of words. In fact, I do not feel the prices will never recover but we have to acknowledge that the drop was drastic. Selling at $641/ft down to $402/ft in less than a year is an extremely sharp fall…a free fall. Once the drama settles and inventory is absorbed, everything will be fine. The building is beautiful, but there is too much uncertainty for buyers right now & owners are frustrated.

If you have inside information about how this is being resolved, please don’t hesitate to let us know. I would love to write a more sunny post about BrickellHouse.

Ginna Rojas
8 years ago

Dear Lucas Lechuga and owner thank you! I agree with both of you. No need to add more drama. The owners of Brickell House have suffered enough. We dont need another articles like this. The current board has and is working hard to handle the situation to its best! Brickell House will soon be the best building in town!

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