1814 Brickell Avenue Park Almost Completed
March 14, 2012 by Lucas Lechuga

Earlier this afternoon while driving south along Brickell Avenue, I noticed that 1814 Brickell Avenue Park appeared close to being completed. The park was originally scheduled to be completed towards the end of 2011. The .81 acre park will fill a void for many Brickell residents living along the southern end of Brickell who have long awaited a usable green space.

Below, you will find the design for 1814 Brickell Avenue Park. The design called for a reading area, picnic area, children's playground and open lawn space. You will also notice a number of trees and shrubs planted throughout the park as well. I was happy to see this afternoon that a water fountain was included and more lighting installed than was called for in the original plan.

Interesting article considering the recent Miami Herald article about the Miami Circle Park next to the Icon condo on Brickell Av. where it was reported that the park is now off limits to visitors with dogs who were “Pooping” on the ancestral graves of the Tequesta Indians buried there thousands of years ago. This new 1814 Brickell Av park of 0.81 acres is woefully inadequate for the number of people living in and around Brickell. There is a group activists pushing for the city to buy “the last” parcel of bay front land in the Brickell neighborhood on Bayshore next to Emerald and Solaris. One of the reasons that Brickell is so I unappealing is the lack of park space. I should say no nada none.This high rise canyon of office and condo towers with new projects coming from Related Perez, Swire and others begs the question as to why they are not obligated with impact fees to help purchase land for at least one park in the Brickell hood. It is becoming a mini Manhattan with no parks similar to that disaster next door on Brickell Key.
Are you saying the park on Brickell Key’s a disaster ? I beg to differ although as as Key resident I’ve never used it. Too many dogs, & too many visitors on the Key & in the park especially after 5 p.m., therefore I’m forced to go in search of more tranquil grounds. During the afternoon rush hour on the Key a tranquil walk is impossible due to the number of stroller pushing, inconsiderate two-abreast walkers, accompanied by at least one dog.