Ten Recent Multi-Million Dollar Condo Closings in Miami-Dade County (Past 6 Months)
November 1, 2009 by Lucas Lechuga

The following are the 10 highest luxury condo sales that have closed in Miami-Dade County within the past six months:
- Continuum South Tower - Penthouse 1 - 5 bedroom/7.5 bath (7,374 square feet) - This penthouse sold for $9,900,000, or $1,343 per square foot, on May 15, 2009. It was listed for $14,950,000.
- Apogee South Beach - Unit 1104 - 4 bedroom/5 bath (4,154 square feet) - This condo sold for $6,000,000, or $1,444 per square foot, on May 4, 2009. It was listed for $6,800,000.
- Apogee South Beach - Unit 1404 - 4 bedroom/3.5 bath (4,154 square feet) - This condo sold for $6,000,000, or $1,444 per square foot, on June 17, 2009. It was listed for $6,800,000.
- Apogee South Beach - Unit 1201 - 4 bedroom/3.5 bath (4,154 square feet) - This condo sold for $5,450,000, or $1,312 per square foot, on July 23, 2009. It was listed for $5,750,000.
- One Bal Harbour - Unit 2008 - 4 bedroom/4.5 bath (5,266 square feet) - This condo sold for $5,200,000, or $987 per square foot, on September 29, 2009. It was listed for $6,299,000.
- Acqualina - Penthouse 4506 - 5 bedroom/6 bath (6,419 square feet) - This penthouse sold for $4,999,000, or $779 per square foot, on August 2, 2009. It was listed for $7,900,000.
- Apogee South Beach - Unit 1101 - 4 bedroom/3.5 bath (4,154 square feet) - This condo sold for $4,800,000, or $1,156 per square foot, on July 30, 2009. It was listed for $4,999,990.
- Ocean Tower I - Unit 401 - 4 bedroom/5.5 bath (5,403 square feet) - This condo sold for $4,600,000, or $851 per square foot, on June 9, 2009. It was listed for $5,490,000.
- Apogee South Beach - Unit 1902 - 3 bedroom/3.5 bath (3,103 square feet) - This condo sold for $4,300,000, or $1,387 per square foot, on September 30, 2009. It was listed for $4,975,000.
- Oceanside at Fisher Island - Unit 7161 - 3 bedroom/4.5 bath (3,959 square feet) - This condo sold for $3,950,000, or $998 per square foot, on June 1, 2009. It was listed for $4,500,000.
OMG. AJ is back. Welcome back dude. This blog just ain’t the same without you.
As you promised a few months back your site here has improved considerably the past few weeks. Updated sales and rentals. Updated CONDO DEALS page. More facts, more detail, more hard data. Thanks.
Thank you! 30 posts in 30 days. That’s my goal. Gonna be tough with the holidays around the corner but I’ll do my best. Thanks again. I appreciate the feedback.
Isn’t One Bal Harbour having all sorts of problems?
Great work Lucas!
When are you posting the tour on Paramount bay?
Whan is their sales office expected to be open?
Are they bringing their prices down to more realistic prices?
Because 1M + for a 2bd is not going to work in this market.
Thanks. Appreciate your kind words but the blog did just fine without me while I was away for 40 days. I am still trying to read what I missed.
Nice to reconnect with old friends though.
Now that the port tunnel got its financing lined up, it looks like the work may start after all. But I am very afraid what this gigantic project will do to the traffic on MacArthur during the construction phase and also after the project is concluded and the trucks start rolling on the MacArthur between the Watson Island and the I95 interchange.
Are we going to be stuck between two 18 wheelers on MacArthur one day 10 years hence? Hate to visualize this scenario.
The tunnel will alleviate all the truck congestion on Biscayne. Any add’l traffic on MacArthur will be minimal compared to the traffic problems on Biscayne at the Port entrance. Consider that the Port route will now have no traffic lights compared with several lights along Biscayne and through the glorious streets of Overtown as currently used.
While “30 posts in 30 days” is admirable, that’s all the more reason to set up a forum. Otherwise, once conversations get interesting, a new post breaks the thread and you have to start all over again. No one comments on previous threads, as each new post kills the thread, as I’m sure you already realize.
sort of a “lifestyles of the rich and famous ” meets scarface city blog, i get it
AJ, saw your comment on Lucas’ last post regarding my unit. Thanks man. Good to have ya back.
Lucas.. glad to see that you are doing more posts, but are you planning on doing an update on the closing rates?
That should start some good discussions…
How much commision did you get for selling a 15 million condo?
Did you seriously make 6% or $900,000? Even if you only made 3% that would be $450,000 dollars for selling one condo.
“15 million condo”
Where do you see a 15 mill condo?
Drew, I understand. Downtown will benefit immensely due to this traffic diversion. But don’t you think that Miami citizens heading to SOBE and viceversa will have to compete for road space on MacArthur causeway with 18 wheelers and container trucks between Watson Island and I95?
Already the 5th and Alton will create one bottleneck at the mouth of SOBE and this will do the same at the mouth of Mainland Miami. Maybe it is not going to be as bad as I think it will be. But I am worried nevertheless. Right now it takes me under 10 minutes to get from Pace Park to Flamingo/Lummus/South Pointe Parks in SOBE. How long will this luxury last is my question.
Just take the Venetian.
5th/Alton is a bottleneck because 395 ends right there. For the tunnel, traffic should flow pretty well, with the possible exception of 395 @ Biscayne where there are fewer lanes I believe. But after that 395 opens up and I doubt the truck traffic will cause problems.
Regardless, if the City of Miami wants to fulfill its grand plans for Biscayne Blvd, a diversion of the port trucks is a necessity. But considering the MIA North Terminal is now opening, $2bn over budget and 14 yrs from conception, this mounumental tunnel project will end up costing $5bn and should be ready by 2040.
With regard to the tunnel – the city is missing a huge opportunity to correct an almost fatal flaw in the original alignment of 395. The six lane roadway cuts directly down the middle of Watson Island with Parrot Jungle on one side and the Childrens museum on the other side, splitting it into two pieces. Of course Parrot Jungle will not survive financially and the Childrens Museum is misplaced and an eyesore as it blocks some great views of downtown as u travel west on 395. Watson Island – if made as one contiguous piece of land not dissected down the middle by a six lane highway could then be turned into – as Maurice Ferre suggested a few years back – our version of Tivoli gardens in Copenhagen. So why not – as long as your digging up the ground near there for the tunnel, Re- Align 395 as it comes off of the bridge and re-route it to the north hugging the waterway – thus leaving Watson Island one huge contiguous jewel of a property with astonishing views and a park like atmosphere where people can enjoy watching the cruise ships come and go and a breathtaking view of the Downtown Miami skyline.
The machine to build the port tunnel has not even been built yet. The tunnel will be flooded in a major hurricane. I would love to see the entrance elevations.
I wish this tunnel thing never gets built.
I was always advocating to remove the container port to Jacksonville or Port Everglades and leave the port exclusively for cruise ships. Every major city moved its cargo terminals and operations out of the city center (for eg. Brooklyn Red hook terminals and Manhattans Hudson River terminals). In any case with the new terror threat that is going to come from a port shipping terminal, it is not wise to have a port smack in the middle of any major city.
Parrot Jungle was a brilliantly executed idea.
The MacArthur Causeway has some new IP CCTV cameras overlooking the passenger cruise terminals. They are mounted on new F.D.O.T. poles. Very impressive stuff. Makes the area look like a military port.
They should put these barriers on the causeway to keep the weekend riff raft out of Miami Beach.