One Developer Unit Remaining at 900 Biscayne Bay
June 16, 2011 by Lucas Lechuga
900 Biscayne Bay is on the brink of being completely sold out of its developer inventory. Only one developer unit remains, unit 1708, which is a 2 bedroom/2 bath with 1,285 square feet of interior. At this time last week, four other developer units remained but various buyers have stepped in since that time to help close out the building.
900 Biscayne Bay will be the first luxury condo development to sell out in Miami of those built during Miami's recent construction boom. It's an amazing feat given the state of today's economy, the extent of the real estate market downturn in Miami since the peak of the market and the fact that 900 Biscayne Bay has 516 total units. In my opinion, 900 Biscayne Bay is a first-rate product that sells itself. It has a timeless decor, amenities that impress even the most discerning of visitors to the building and breathtaking water views of the Atlantic Ocean and Biscayne Bay. 515 down, 1 to go.
Two points…First, shows this building as having 550 units in total, and its “ownership info” table still has about 30 condos belonging to 900 Biscayne LLC, which I think is developer’s entity.
Having said that, this building has unbeatable location, with billions of dollars ready to be deployed in developements around it. Museums, Genting complex, Omni Mall redo (after Related’s note purchase). Buyers should scoop up remaining units at $400/sq ft and never look back. Quantum should also be bought fast. At $250/sq ft it’s a steal.
F-35 you have to be careful at condoreports because they list things like retail space, docks, storage units, as units. Esentially if it can be sold it gets listed which would throw off the total. Pay special attention to units that have 0 rooms and 0 baths. They’re probably not residential units.
Also, U should know that those might probably be units that have been recently purchased. Lately its taking longer than usual for the public records to change the owners name after purchase!
Gixxer, check it out for yourself. It’s in a free area of a website. I think those are condos.
Under ownership info I can’t see unit numbers but I see that 900 retail LLC and 900 Bicsayne LLC own a lot of the 0/0 units. If you subtract the 0/0 units you get 509 units which is the number of units that is listed on the Miami DDA report.
I’m assuming most of these units are unleased retail space (hence 900 retail 101 LLC). I don’t see how you have a residential unit with 0 baths.
Good enough. Thanks. If 900 is sold out and Epic and Marquis are close to being sold out, then Paramount may sell out reasonably quickly.
long term these are great buildings (4 of them). the museum park will make them unique and even more expensive. every time i leave a show at the performing arts center i think how great it would be to live there long term in the future, once the area gets built to its potential. only drawback to the location is some of the traffic issues, mostly due to the arena. guess its a small price to pay.
Gixxer is correct. 900 Biscayne Bay currently has 509 total units. The original plans called for 516 units but a few buyers opted to combine units before construction began. Therefore, there should be a total of 509 deeds for 900 Biscayne Bay. However, I prefer to use the 516 figure because 516 separate units were sold pre-construction (although some were combined).
News for Paramount. All numbers are approximate.
250 letters sent to pre-construction buyers out of a total 349 units. Pre construction prices discounted by 20%-22% and offered at an average per SF price of $410-$420 againt the P.C price of $550/sf. About 125 Pre Construction buyers agreed to close. Closings for these units will occur in the next 2 months. Those who did not agree to close at the discounted rate will get their 5% back. The remaining 200-225 units will go on sale to general public after Labor day and after the 30 Million renovations by Kravitz. Expected price for general public about $475/sf. BTW, lines 01 & 02 are almost fully sold and almost all of those holding the pre construction contracts for these lines elected to close.
All Retail spaces are at an advanced stage of leasing negotiations. Asia de Cuba slated to occupy the prime waterfront restaurant space at the South East corner. North East will be a whole food store. The Biscayne Blvd fronted space will be a Rolls Royce showroom.
Comments from Whole Foods two years ago:
“In order for them to be successful, they need affluent people to spend dollars for premium foods,” Larkin explained. “The narrow margin of people that exist are on the bay and there aren’t enough to support a Whole Foods operation.”
“Virtually no new project is going to work except in mature, healthy, economically viable areas,” Larkin said.
“Larkin predicted Whole Foods would be in downtown Miami in five to seven years, when the market matured.”
Now they’re looking to add two stores downtown.
Question to imo re a “whole food ” store.
what size is the NE corner space at Paramount?
Whole Foods is going into I believe 40 th square feet in downtown:I am curious who will be operating at Paramount? A local independent or?
my info is second hand. It maybe the Brand “Wholefood” itself or it could be some high end Natural Food/Whole Food store. Not sure exactly. Paramount is not very forthcoming in giving out information. Lets wait and see.
Great post, thanks for the info. according to the Lucas Lechuga, 900 Biscayne Bay sold 515 units out of one unit is reaming.Great sale
Even i have found a site these people are offering a luxury condos.