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The #1 Miami Real Estate Website

Recently Listed Condo REOs in Miami – August 2009

August 6, 2009 by Lucas Lechuga
Earlier this evening, I did a search for condo foreclosures in Miami for a client.  There were 9 condos that were recently listed that caught my attention.

  • Santa Maria  #2506 - 2 bedroom/2.5 bath (2,100 square feet of interior) - Asking $899,900, or $429 per square foot - 24 days on the market

  • Jade Brickell #1201 - 2 bedroom/2.5 bath (1,878 square feet of interior) - Asking $667,900, or $356 per square foot - less than 2 hours on the market

  • Carbonell #1805 - 2 bedroom/2.5 bath (1,505 square feet of interior) - Asking $525,000, or $349 per square foot - 8 days on the market

  • Four Seasons Hotel #3203 - 1 bedroom/1.5 bath (983 square feet of interior) - Asking $460,000, or $468 per square foot - 7 days on the market

  • Emerald at Brickell #1101 - 2 bedroom/2.5 bath (1,594 square feet of interior) - Asking $364,900, or $229 per square foot - 3 days on the market

  • Blue Condo #1701 - 2 bedroom/2.5 bath (1,449 square feet of interior) - Asking $208,395, or $144 per square foot - 7 days on the market

  • 50 Biscayne #4705 - 1 bedroom/1 bath (845 square feet of interior) - Asking $179,900, or $213 per square foot - 3 days on the market

  • The Club at Brickell Bay #4304 - 1 bedroom/1 bath (825 square feet of interior) - Asking $119,900, or $145 per square foot - 8 days on the market

  • 1800 Biscayne Plaza #1203 - 2 bedroom/2 bath (1,040 square feet of interior) - Asking $117,590, or $113 per square foot - 8 days on the market

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15 years ago

The 1800 Biscayne Plaza and the 50 biscayne are good deals. But 50 Biscayne HOA is quite steep.

15 years ago

Hey AJ, I thought Indians never bought American. Your amazing sports car that your brag about is a crossfire right? Way to live on the wild side bro.

I’m so depressed I don’t drive an awesome Chrysler Crossfire:

“Crossfire… you’ll get caught up in the… Crossfire” repeated, eventually ending with a dramatic yelling (CROSSFIYEAAH!) and a deep moan.

15 years ago


Sorry not to respond to your earlier comments. I completely agree with your assessment about the site. The content has not been up to par within the last 1-2 months. I, alone, have been completely responsible. I accept complete fault.

It has been progressively difficult to balance the integrity of the website with the customer service that my clients expect. I’m a Midwestern guy so I don’t agree with or respect the the Miami (Latin Standard Time) that is tolerated in South Florida. I’ve been working 9am-11pm hours lately but honestly I miss taking part in this site the most. This website has always been my pride and joy.

However, yesterday I hired an assistant and recently brought in another Realtor to help facilitate the leads with me. This added help should now allow me the needed time to adhere to this site. Please allow me until the end of the month, however, because it does take a lot of time on a daily basis to train new help. I was a one-man show until this point, so I hope you understand.

It has been very difficult to create new content because I used to have a lot of free time to go out and explore new buildings on my own when I had the time in between showings. Now, showings are back-to-back each day with running back to the office to write up offers and respond to emails that require property searches, that I’m no longer afforded that time. I think it’s completely unprofessional to walk around and take pictures of a condo while your clients are touring it and the building with you and requesting information and your guidance from you at the same time.

I’m also in the process of hiring a “personal” assistant, however, who would accompany me on each showing to take those pictures while I’m with clients so I can “walk and talk” throughout the tour but not need to feel like I’m taking time away from them, to create content for the site. I can then use those pictures in the evenings to once again allow myself to provide you content. I would honestly love to return to that point. Writing has always been very therapeutic for me ever since I was a kid . These last 3 months haven’t afforded me the time to enjoy that feeling, however, but I’m moving up to that. I have HUGE plans for this website.

On top of it all, I’ve been working on the BIG project that is expected to launch around the middle of September. What I have planned is going to be HUGE! And then a month after that I’m planning something else that is really big. Then, 6 months later I’m planning for another launch. I’m always thinking and planning AJ. So, please don’t feel like I’m not responding to you or others commenting. My plan is to create a team that will allow me the time to answer every phone call without hitting a voicemail, respond to every email within 2 minutes and respond to every question or email within minutes as well. The Internet age has made it business-wise to respond to everyone within one hour or else they’ll move onto someone else. I don’t want to afford those clients the time to even think about emailing or calling someone else. I’m a whore for market share so I won’t continue to allow my competition the opportunity to get my spillovers. I’m also going directly after those Realtors that don’t believe I’m their direct competition. They’ll believe it soon. 2010 will make them believers!

Now, I’m going to finally follow my nightly ritual of watching “Wall Street” and falling asleep to it. My favorite line in the movie is “The most valuable commodity that I know of is information”. I agree 100%. My dream is to provide everyone on this planet within means to buy a condo with information pertaining to South Florida condos (Not only Miami). It’s going to happen, just a matter of time. Good night everyone.

Wild Bill
15 years ago

This list is terrible news for original owners. Absolutely terrible.

Real estate never goes down.
It’s a great investment.
It’s a new building and won’t require any maintenance.
You can always rent it out.
Maintenance fees won’t go up.

15 years ago

Agreed – Wild Bill,

There are risks involved in real estate. There always has been. Unfortunately, over the past 3 years there weren’t any foreseen rewards. It was always just downside for those educated enough to foresee it. We’re near the bottom, however. In some condo buildings, we are at the bottom. This is it. This is the reason why I allowed myself to be fired from a former brokerage because of writing the truth at the time. I told everyone to not buy and everyone to sell. My broker at the time, fired me because he felt that my blog was losing him more business than I brought in. I tried to explain to him that eventually the market would shift and that clients would trust those Realtors that weren’t trying to sugar-coat the market when it was obviously bad to everyone. He felt that our job as Realtors was to sell in ANY market. I didn’t agree. I’m an advocate of free speech. He also felt that I should censor the negative comments everyone was leaving about the market. I was like “Are you kidding me?”. That would have been a horrible idea. I’m now glad that I listened to my gut instinct and allowed free speech to reign on this blog.

Wild Bill – Of course there’s risks…but finally there’s opportunity!

Odd & Sods
15 years ago

It is not possible for certain Condo’s or the housing market in general to have stabilized or hit bottom, real wages dropped 4.7% the most ever on record and unemployment continues to increase and may well pass 12%. These are the two main factors that drive not only the real estate market but the economy as a whole.

Tighten you selt belts folks this train is picking up speed and heading down the mountain for one hell of a crash woo! woo!

15 years ago

Odd & Son’s. You are missing two important concept’s. first, The market has already under-written into real estate prices the lousy real wage/GDP/un-employment statistics, and with each new month we are seeing greater evidence that we have seen the worst and although it is really crummy out there, it’s not as bad as what has been under-written into real estate values (at least at the lower end). second, the lousy statistics cannot account for the massive federal stimulus that includes a huge tax credit for 1st time home buyers, that is clearly boosting the sub-$250K prices. My opinion is that homes $500K + will continue to suffer for the next 12-24 months, but for those under $250K we have found a bottom.

15 years ago

Odd & Sods,

I used to work as an options market maker on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange for 4 years. The most important thing I learned right away is that all economic data is already priced into the market by the time you get the info. If you read an article that has a negative or positive response to the market and you truly believe that you have a leg up on the market because you feel that you’re the “first” person to respond to the new information, then you’re the “fool”. ALL information is priced in unless you have INSIDE information. Traders have inside information (even though they’ll never allow you to know that)…trust me…I was there…information is key…when Goldman Sachs came in to buy 1000 puts in a given equity stock one hour before earnings were released, we would bet with them….it was EASY money…their clients would tell them to buy 1000 puts one hour before earnings…I’d walk away from selling them any…and then come back and short the stock minutes later…EASY money…if you think you have any information on these giants that conflicts with their clients’ wishes then good luck!

It’s no surprise that unemployment is down. It’s expected. It’s price in. Any type of economic data is already priced in unless the data that actually gets released is higher or lower than expected. Housing data came in much better than expected lately and that’s why we’re seeing the stock market continue to rise. The expectancy for it to continue to either flat-line or go down was already priced in. Those expectancies were incorrect…that’s why the market has continued to go up.

I honestly don’t agree with the stock market. I’m waiting for certain put options to hit my price and then I’m a buyer. I’m within a week or two to buy those puts…we’re going to see another downfall…just a matter of time. With Obama’s never-ending spending plan, this country is gonna hit another downfall. Obama is spending us into bankruptcy. I watch the market every freakin’ day. I’m watching one equity stock in particular. I’m gonna PUT it to death and ride it. It has had one hell of a run-up that my boys on the CBOE are telling me that GS is starting to buy ATM puts lately. Next Friday is gonna be ugly for the market…that’s my opinion. I’m personally gonna start placing my put option bet next Thursday.

Trust me…anything that the NY Times, Wall Street Journal or any other business-related journal writes has already been priced in. Where do you think they get their stories…from traders, Realtors, etc. We provide them the stories….they edit them, they relay them to their editors and then (at best) they print them 2 days later. Whatever you read in a business-related article is at least 2-3 days old. I personally hate to work with the Wall Street Journal. They wanted me to work on a Miami condo story for them and I did it. I gave them a draft. Then, two days later they edited my draft. Then, two days later the Chief Editor edited my draft. Then, I finally heard that my piece was “too outdated”. I was like “Ummm…..are you kidding me?…I had emailed this to you a week ago and you expect it to still be fresh even after you spent a week editing it to pieces?”. That’s why blogs are the “REAL” deal when it comes to news stories. We write unedited, cutthroat news pieces. That’s my passion. I have no interest in presenting any story to an “editor” who wants my ideals or theirs to coincide with their conglomerate corporate ideals. There’s too much politics behind those news corporations. For some reason, they all believe that Obama is a savior when in reality he’s the downfall of this great nation. If you haven’t already guessed (I’m a Republican…but I do believe that some Democrats performed a great job….JFK for one…Clinton wasn’t even bad). I just don’t like the idea that media should be political at all, however. It should be what it is. The Truth!

Obama is performing a horrific job. That’s the truth. (That’s me being nice about him.) I really hate to speak out against a president (I wrote “president” lower-case for a reason) but I really think this nation is going downhill with him as pres. I give him credit though…he is a fabulous speaker (when he speaks from a tele-prompter). We haven’t heard the word “impeachment” in quite some time but…it may be that time again.

15 years ago


Just read your comment. I agree with you 100%. Are you a trader? Most people don’t understand the concept that the “new”s really isn’t new at all. Seems that you do though. You must be some kind of Wall Street person.

15 years ago


See…now that’s why I haven’t responded to any comments lately…it means that I don’t get any sleep. I get too passionate about this. My clients are gonna hate me today. I get grouchy when I don’t get any sleep. (At least I was able to watch “Wall Street” 4 times in a row though…that’s a good thing). I love that movie.

Time to hit the shower…and start another day. I wish you all prosperity and equality today…(that was idiotic of me to say…that won’t happen during this presidency). So, just wish you all respect for those who see beyond this idiotic president’s socialistic plan.

15 years ago

Lucas, I know it’s your blog, but it might be a good idea not to express such strong political beliefs. You might alientate some potential clients. Just my 2 cents.

15 years ago

lucas, the banks are keeping huge amounts of foreclosures to prop up the market

they also say that 80% or some crazy # of homeowners in usa will be under water by next year

plus massive amounts of new foreclosures, you are saying this i s the bottom –

you also say you don’t sugar coat the info…….. so if thats the case, then the only conclusion is

your wrong………

just because whosale buyers come in a market does not mean we are at a bottom (in miami)

we are speaking about miami ?? right ???

lets talk next year after another 10 % drop


15 years ago

Haven’t heard from you in a while! Maybe we heard a little too much 🙂 Just kidding. Everybody has a right to voice their opinion-that’s what makes this country so great. But the Obama bashing is a bit much. Remember, he is only reacting to problems which were created under his predecessor, Bush. If Bush had done even a half assed job at overseeing the country and regulations, we would not be in this mess to begin with. And Obama would not have a reason to spend our futures into oblivion. He was really in a no win situation-let the economy collapse or indebt our future generations with the current leadership’s stupidity. Personally I think we should vote all the monkeys out of office and put a different animal in its place. Just to shake things up a bit 🙂

15 years ago

FDIC is opening an office in FL with 500 staff to take over failed banks a dispose of their assets.

More reo to come….

15 years ago

been trying to keep updated on this blog while exploring this beautiful country.
Was that really Lucas? Wow, sounds more like hatred than dislike. “horrific job”,”I really think this nation is going downhill with him as pres”. Relax Lucas, you might burst a cornary. You are letting your religion get the best of you, besides you are giving the man too much credit. He is not God and George Bush and the repubs couldn’t distroy this great Nation after 8 years of complete incompentency Obama won’t after 6months. You should Stick to selling real estate instead of giving stock tips and suggesting people short stocks. If you are such a great stock picker what are you doing selling real estate? I think your recent (3 months) success is starting to get to your head. When we want to hear your opinion on the stock market and Politics we will ask someone esle for it in the mean time stfu and post something useful about MIAMI CONDOs.

15 years ago

I suspected all along that you were totally hard pressed for time. I myself had one of the worst summers in a long time regarding time and a million things to do. So no need to apologize.

Regarding Obama, I am not so sure yet. Its only been a 6 months since he took office and why judge so soon. Probably 1-2 years into the office, we can make some assumptions (I am an independent BTW).

I am not totally on board with DJ. Even if I am a card carrying rabid Democrat, I would still do business with Rush Limbaugh if he is going to get me a good deal. If some Democrats get miffed that Lucas did not like “their” prez and so they will go elsewhere means they are not rational in the first place and they will make bad choices anyway, no matter what. At the end of the day its all about money, Isn’t it?

15 years ago

I disagree. We have enough assholes on here expressing their opinion about everything they know nothing about. If anything we need Lucas to curtail some of that not add his 2 cents into the mix. People just got on his ass about not posting relevant info on the blog then he goes off on this tangent about real estate and politics.

15 years ago

Guys, I have a question,

My SOBE unit had a bathroom drain back flow and damaged a few tiles in the bathroom unit below.
The plumbers could not establish what is the reason for the back flow. I am arguing that as my tenant did not cause any blockage nor that I knowingly ignored any existing problem, I should not be responsible. There is no negligence involved at all.
The damage is minor in the unit below and they have home owners insurance too (but probably the repair cost may be less than the deductible).

1) Am I liable to repair the bathroom below? Or just sit tight.
2) What is the role of association in this regard where no one seems to know if the problem occurred in my unit or the main line of the building.
3) Is there some kind of insurance to protect oneself from such liabilities in the future? (the flood insurance it seems does not cover liability and the damage your unit causes to someone else’s prop)

I would like as many opinions as possible. Thanks.

15 years ago

I noticed that the Blue Condominum listing above #1701 states in the disclosure that “CHINESE DRYWALL DISCLOSURE REQUIRED”.

Does anyone know if this building has had problems with their drywall to require this? Is this part of the reasons why the prices in this building has come down so low?

15 years ago

AJ would you do business with someone who is know to be totally irrational?
Well that is what Lucas came of as with his rant about politics and the stock market.
It is ok to be against the president policies, hell most people are not sure if his policies will work or at least dislike some part of it. Lucas rant came off as more than healthy skepticism sounded, more like a right wing religious zealot who hold on to religious beliefs despite what physical evidence proves. If he is irrational about finances and politics can we expect him to be rational about real estate? He might be knowledgeable about Miami RE but he did a dis-service to himself.

15 years ago

I think this is causing a lot of heart ache. Lucas, If one of us makes a controversial post, we cannot edit it or erase it. In fact I was going to ask you about that, some blogs allow you to edit your own post within a certain time frame. What does your web guy think about that?

But as you have the control to edit and erase , why don’t you consider removing #8 as it seems to be rubbing a few people the wrong way. Personally I don’t care and I think we should not dwell too much on this.

But please chip in regarding the bathroom leak issue. I think some time in the future one of you may find yourself in the same situation and this might be of help.

15 years ago

Ding dong the dream is dead…One for now and one on its way…

On another note I am surprised no one has commented on the status or should I say the death of the once Heralded Miami 21 project as this definately changes everything! Adios Mayor Diaz as maybe some people in Miami are waking up…in order to have pedestrian friendly you need to have pedestrians…people not fearfull of walking out at night, shopping, spending money…I say good riddence…

The second is that Monstrocity planned for Watson Island, I mean if the billionaire cant pay his rent why even consider the project-again Wake up Folks!!!

15 years ago

AJ, if there is one thing that people do get irrational and bent out of shape about it’s politics….well politics and religion actually. I’m of the opinion that it’s best not to inject either into any business deal, because you never wanna turn off your partners/clients/customers who may feel strongly to the contrary.

Don’t get me wrong, Lucas is more entitled than anyone else to say whatever he wants on here, but I could imagine some posters or even casual lurkers might get turned off by anti-obama rants like that and may chose to look elsewhere when it’s time for them to retain an agent.

15 years ago

Review the assn’s condo docs in order to determine assn responsibilities (common areas vs unit boundaries). If the dispute escalates you or the assn will need to determine the exact cause and location in order to assess liability. So I would explore that and definitely not pay yet.

Re #3, require your tenant to purchase a renters liability insurance policy that will indemnify other tenants’ property losses for the actions of your tenant. But that is only if your tenant is deemed negligent by the insurer…if he’s not negligent (thereby not covered under the policy) and its not assn responsibility then its probably yours, unless your lease w the tenant specifies otherwise.

15 years ago

My guess is self-made millionaires who buy expensive condos MUCH prefer anti-Obama rants.

15 years ago

Aj, not sure why the tiles below would be damaged by some water if installed properly, isn’t that why they put tiles in the bathroom? You can refeuse to pay, all they can do is take you to small claims court where you will loose. I think the right thing to do is hire a day laborer and have them Killz the stain on the wall and paint over it. Do it yourself and save the cash. You can ignore them till they go away since it is a small problem. If you have a lanlord insurance policy then that sould pay for damage to other peoples property after deductables. Leak came from your apartment you should pay to fix it before they go out hire the most expensive contractor they can find then sue you for 10K worth of damages.

15 years ago

JL, you are probably right but the man is still wildly popular and most people still give him the benefits of a doubt. It does not make sense to potientally alienate a certain segment of your client base (even if it’s only 10%) especailly after posting about how he is trying to take his business to the next level. I’m sure most people don’t care about a realtor’s political views when buying RE but why risk it.

15 years ago

That wasn’t Lucas Lechuga. It was Sean Hannity in conjunction with fellow jackass Rush Limbaugh, because that it exactly who Lucas sounds like.

If you make sweeping statements that he’s “the downfall of this nation” please give some data to back up your claim. There’s no substance to your post/rant.

I’d counter and say that unscrupulous, slimy, lying realtors contributed to the downfall of this economy. Obama is just trying to clean up a mess that was greatly caused in part by your fellow “real estate professional” colleagues.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

AJ – I take the back flow came up into your unit and the water seeped down to the unit below. That is, no broken pipe that could be a common element pipe? There was water from your unit that caused damage…do the right thing and just pay the $200 or whatever as a final settlement for the damage, get it writing, and move on. If you were the unit below that had sewer water (even if relatively clean) draining into your unit you’d expect the guy above to fix it. Just feel lucky that the guy below will go through the hassle to have it fixed and you don’t have to. It is part of being a floplord. Not worth the technical dispute or drama.

With respect to some of the economics. Lucas, you are right in that the markets – the collective judgments and best guesses and speculation of the future – are forward looking and many things are priced in, unless of course the numbers differ than expected. Hence, the market is no crystal ball that tells the future, it is just the collective opinion. That collective opinion can be very wrong at times…hence bubbles and irrational exuberances. That is why I love behavior economics and Shiller is so fun to listen to. I see the current administration as trying to build “confidence” to influence the collective wisdom and prevent unnecessary doom and glum becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. However they have been using fear to push things like socialized health care…..give me a break, since when is that going to get us out of the CURRENT recession…..what a joke of an argument since it is a huge outlay now with the “hope” of lessor costs in maybe 10 years. Oh well.

With respect to debt. We had an enormous run up in credit/debt. The credit bubble burst in a potentially systemic meltdown that was averted at the time. The start of the burst was primarily in housing (although there were cracks everywhere that were being temporarily being sealed through debt hot potatoes such as trading one credit card balance to a new credit card, HELOC’s, etc.) as prices did not appreciate, the music stopped, and the absurd housing financing was exposed starting in the most absurd markets. Debt is used primarily for two things: (1) in a business, when debt is cheaper (usually by a reasonably large spread) than equity, debt financing is used and leverages the return on equity but comes with a risk that the debt service must always be met (or at least refinanced) even in the worst of time. When there are no real “worst times” for a prolonged period of time some businesses push the level of debt higher resulting in higher stock prices causing some businesses to be at the margin of being over leveraged….people can make a quick return and exit leaving others with the inevitable mess. (2) debt is also used to pull future demand and consumption into the present. We have seen consumer debt get out of control through credit cards, HELOC’s, auto loans, education loans, etc. Consumers are in the multi-year process of reversing this run up in debt. However, the fed govt has stepped in and has tried to substitute new debt for economic activity based on capital and wealth. The recent debt spending is huge and incredible beyond comprehension….when the govt BORROWS BILLIONS for the cash for clunkers program (note again, it has to borrow the money) to create demand, how is that different from consumer debt? Basically, it has created new socialized debt where the consumer was not willing to go in debt for the purchase individually. That is financial insanity. It also misallocates consumption and capital away from perhaps savings or purchases of other durable goods made entirely in the USA. We will see a spike in demand for autos as people scramble for the freebee which was perceived as limited in supply. So, you have 250,000 clunkers traded in one month when in a usual month people on their own trade in 70,000 autos that would count as clunkers anyway. Future months will show less sales since as the supply of clunkers was diminished sooner than the market would on its own. Oh well, bad economics. The bottom line is the enormous debt of the credit bubble did NOT go away….in fact, the socialized debt is exploding and now we have a fed govt credit bubble. It could seriously end in a very ugly way as the new tax burdens will inevitably put a burden on our future economy. The biggest concern is that there is no real end in sight to the expansion of fed govt debt….only the market can put a constraint on borrowing and when it does step in we will already be in a pickle.

Higher taxes, lower incomes, less after tax spending power will lower home prices. Unless we see real wage and wealth growth, home prices will continue to decline in real dollar terms for years and years. Forget the nominal dollar numbers, they are meaningless except with respect to nominal dollar debt.

15 years ago

MMT, that’s the only point I was trying to make. Anyway, lets move on and get back to the topic at hand….you know, Miami real estate.

15 years ago

Drew & MMT tks.
Drew mentioned a renters liability insurance and MMT mentioned a landlord insurance policy. Are they one and the same or different? Any recommendations as to which company I should go with? Does it include liability issues such as this and how much they usually cost (I heard $300/year?)

15 years ago

I am willing to do the right thing. That is why I asked this august forum for opinion. I had conflicting reports on this. One insurance guy I spoke to said ” As long as you are not negligent, you are not responsible and the other home owner will have to rectify the damage by going through their own home owners insurance”.
But if the majority of you feel that I should go ahead and repair the tiles that are coming loose down below, I will go ahead and do it, no questions asked.

One more thing I have to mention is that the lady below put tiles on her bathroom ceiling too. It is those ceiling tiles that are coming off and not those on the wall. I have an objection regarding having tiles on the ceiling and then I end up having to bear the responsibility for that silliness? It is extremely rare to have tiles on the ceiling.

Even If I pay for the repair, can I demand that there should be no tiles on the ceiling? Does Miami Beach Code say anything about this? I am also planning to call code compliance to see if there is any code regarding such issue.

Wild Bill
15 years ago


The building needs to check out the pipes with a camera make sure there is no blockage. If you renovated the bathroom or it was previously renovated w/o permits you should run to the bank and pay everybody off.
My building also has several units which get back flows.

15 years ago

I don’t know what he means by “landlord policy”. That is probably just a homeowners policy on your investment property. No difference. Your tenant or his property would still not be covered on one of your policies.

With a renters policy your tenant is the named insured and he will be personally covered if he’s sued due to property damage/personal injury caused by him. But a landlord receives an indirect benefit of this since liability is transferred from the tenant (who usually has no assets) to his carrier, thereby hopefully avoiding a lawsuit against you (landlord) from an injured party. If the carrier can adequately indemnify the tenant then the landlord is as less risk. They run $200-$300 year depending on levels of coverage. At lease renewal build in a lease provision that mandates renters liability coverage and require proof of coverage at time of move-in. No add’l exepense to you.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

AJ – You need to have a the appropriate insurance in place as an owner and a landlord, also, the renter MUST have a renter’s policy….I have one and would NEVER lease to someone that does not. Also, the tenant below can decorate anyway they want….tile on the ceiling although is not my taste, is perfectly acceptable and you’d be liable for the damage of whatever is damaged whether the ceiling is just drywall, decorative paint, wall papered or tiled.. You ARE most probably negligent…when was the last time you had a plumber out to inspect and clean the drains??? Probably never. Moreover, there were probably indications of drain problems that you or your tenant failed to investigate. So, you failed to do proper repairs and maintenance to make sure your drains were flowing freely. It wasn’t an act of God.

15 years ago

Code regarding tiles on the ceiling. What the hell are you smoking AJ?

They also have codes against gaudy decorating and poor taste, I’d look into it!

15 years ago

AJ renters insurance is not the same as a lanlord policy. You should definately encourage your renters to buy renters insurance but a lanlord policy is meant to protect the lanlord. Not sure how it works in condos. Sounds like you may have a continuing problem with those tiles downstairs. See if you can get a backflow preventer installed somewhere on that line. don’t know if it is possible.

Your last post is way to long and booring for me to finish reading. Again you don’t base your arguments on fact. Fact is that healthcare cost is rising at an unsustainable rate that is why many who were once opposed to it are now for it. Anothe fact is that we are paying way more for healthcare and getting much less outcomes. Fact, the opponents of healthcare are the ones using FEAR of socialized medicine in their arguments. Fact, it is the consertives who oppose healthcare reform that are hell bent on disrupting the Democratic process at townhall meetings. Fact, all your prediction about the economy getting worst and the USA becoming a third world country has been wrong and thus far the president and his supporters has been mostly right. Fact, the economy is doing better. Fact, the housing numbers are much improved. Fact, stock market is up at records highs from it lows. Fact, the job market has improved.Fact, many people are still buying Condo despite your predictions. Fact, thus far I am prospering under this administration as are many americans, have 401K and brokerage statements to prove it and Lucas himself has proclaimed as much on this blog. Seems moronic to proclaim otherwise in his post #10. Fact, you guys have been wrong so your only argument left is to ignore FACTS and resort to name calling and yell socialist. I would hope you guys could come up with something better than that for college grads. Please provide some Facts to support your position.

Just the FACTS, please!

15 years ago

Oh, another Fact!
The cash for clunkers that many predicted would be a complete failure has been a smashing success, so much so that they have decided to double the original program.
Yea, my $1 Ford stock is looking very prosperious in mine and my wife’s ROTH IRA (tax free). I’m sure their employees might be breathing a sigh of relif right about now. Oh and many banks that took TARP Funds have been able to pay it back with a nice interest payment to the government. Not bad for a complete failure of a program? I even heard AIG made $2B in profit this Q. Doesn’t sound like America going down the drain to me, well not yet. Just another FACT

Renter Tom
15 years ago

MMT in CR – Sorry, but you are wrong. Fact, the real dollar cost of things like an appendectomy are way way down. Basic surgeries are now out patient and minimally invasive resulting in tons of savings and quicker recoveries. The high costs are related to NEW and AMAZING healthcare breakthroughs. Imagine no hip replacements, bypass surgery, brain surgery…..yeah, it would be a heck of a lot cheaper not to do these things but we are on the cutting edge of amazing things…..that costs money. The other issue is end of life care management … what is appropriate for someone who has six months to live. That is a tough one and judgments are made but more often then not a lot of money is thrown at it to no avail but hard to predict.

Also, FACT, any economic activity is the result of debt spending. Heck, give me a few trillion and I will cause economic activity to expand, but it is not sustainable. Fact.

15 years ago

Their is difference between government debt and private sector debt. Private sector debt has to be payed for by acquiring money in exchange for something – a product or service. Federal government debt and all federal government spending is payed off by issuing currency. Issuing currency for the federal government is done via the federal reserve bank. The Fed has the power to credit bank accounts at member banks. As Alan Greenspan said:

Well, I wouldn’t say that the pay-as-you-go benefits are insecure, in the sense that there’s nothing to prevent the federal government from creating as much money as it wants and paying it to somebody. The question is, how do you set up a system which assures that the real assets are created which those benefits are employed to purchase.

So the real issue is how much currency can we issue until inflation becomes a problem . Better said, how much aggregate demand in the economy do we want to create by issuing more currency until that aggregate demand results in an inflation level that is harmful to the economy. Nobody is talking about that. Both the republicans and democrats are still operating under the false assumption that the government is somehow funded by tax payers or via bond sales. Government debt’s sole purpose in the current system is to maintain interest rates, not to finance government.
Dr James Kenneth Galbreath mentioned it in his book. The Economics of Innocent Fraud: Truth For Our Time

Right now the private sector is de-leveraging. Getting out of debt. The irony of it all is that the only way for the private sector as a whole get out of debt and get a healthy balance sheet is for federal deficit to increase. Its mathematically impossible for the private sector as a whole to have more equity without the government loosing equity.
Yet everybody(both political parties) is afraid of this due to ingrained ignorance about government finance.

15 years ago

“Also, FACT, any economic activity is the result of debt spending. Heck, give me a few trillion and I will cause economic activity to expand, but it is not sustainable. Fact.”

Tell me how it is not sustainable Mr. Obama? You sound just like him. The only way it is not sustainable is politically because of the ingrained fear of running deficits.

15 years ago

If you want to know what our healthcare system should be like, do yourselves all a favor, and speak to a physician, who does not have debt up to his eye balls because he took loans against 5 properties and ridiculous cars. The issue is many of our doctors have acted much like the people on Wall Street have. Greedy greedy greedy. Anyone including Lucas who disagrees with Obama’s healthcare plan or atleast the change to a universal plan does not understand how medicine works. I respect Lucas’s opinions on the markets bcuz of his background on the CBOE, but don’t speak about medicine if you don’t have medicine. And if you healthcare friends disagree with me like I said they are probably one of the type that I mentioned above.

15 years ago

MMT, good points. People ignore facts that contradict their core beliefs. Its called cognitive dissonance.

15 years ago

RT, give it up man!
Next time Aetna sends me a bill for $900/month for individual coverage I’ll tell them you said the real dollar cost for apendectomy is down. Wait that’s what I was paying in 2007 plus I’m sure you know about inflation so that cost must be about $1100/month in real dollar costs.

“economic activity is the result of debt spending” Ah, duh! that was the whole idea. Many economist complained because they felt we needed a bigger stimulus package because of the size of the US economy. Many are still complaining because only a small amount of the money has actually been spent. He can’t win for losing with you guys.

15 years ago

Thank all for chipping in. Very informative. Appreciate it.

15 years ago

the cash for clunkers plan is simply cannibalizing tomorrow’s demand for sales today.

15 years ago

Lucas great to hear from you. Hope we see more updates as your free time expands!

As far as your comments, be careful one of these bleeding hearts may report you to the White House policy police!

It is funny how we are called right wing religious zealots or worse when we voice our frustration on what is going on with this administration. Why shouldn’t we be frustrated; higher taxes, lower wages, increased debt , 10% unemployment when we were promised 8% max, etc. A punish the middle class mentality! Of course let’s just keep blaming Bush. Where was Congress for the last 8 years?

Whoever thinks things are getting better is nuts. Several major corporations are just announcing layoffs and more will come later in the year. The healthcare sector has been hit hard and is very concerned about this so-called reform.

All you bleeding heart guys are mandated to sleep with Nancy P.! YUK!!!

15 years ago

“the cash for clunkers plan is simply cannibalizing tomorrow’s demand for sales today.” — jcrimes

— Yup. 100% right. Just another dumb government handout.


AJ — Sorry about the leak, but unless your condo has common areas between units or something odd like that, it’s about 99.99% that you’d be held liable if taken to court. It’s been settled law forever that a leak from above is the above unit owner’s responsibility.


MMT in CR — If you’re so big on facts, you might take note of the fact that Obama has had a NEGATIVE approval index for several weeks now; Obama’s approval is much lower than Bush’s was at the same point in their terms; and Obama’s approval is dropping at a faster rate than even Carter’s. If that’s your definition of “wildly popular,” then I’d hate to be unpopular.


Lucas — Glad to see you commenting more, but I cringed when I saw you say “we’re at or near bottom” and “there’s opportunity” and things like that.

The massive construction in Miami was based on Miami being a high-end market, yet there’s next to no sales movement in the high-end buildings, or among the high-end units in even the middle-tier buildings. Miami currently has a 4- or 5-year supply of condo units, and a 7-year supply of high-end units, with a shadow inventory that could add 2 or 3 years’ worth of units to those numbers. Meanwhile, unemployment continues to tick upward, and interest rates are doing the same. How can all of those facts possibly lead one to conclude a bottom has been reached?

15 years ago

Miami2009 — You’re exactly right. I think about 75% of the people in the U.S. — including even a lot of the so-called right-wing zealots — are still in denial about the new American reality. Most people seem to think that all they need to do is keep their head down for another year and things will be back to normal. These people are nuts.

Almost none of the good-paying jobs being eliminated will be replaced with a similar-paying job when the economy improves. The days of easy credit and McMansions-for-everyone are over. Meanwhile, the federal, state and local governments are still spending like there’s no tomorrow, Social Security is projected to be underwater as soon as 2013, and idiotic tax-and-spend politicians keep sending good jobs offshore with increasingly anti-business policies (high corporate taxes, “cap and trade,” etc.). When the government-spending gravy train stops, and surely it will, that will make the current recession seem like a walk in the park.

Bottom line, the massive de-leveraging that’s underway in the U.S. will bring with it a lowered standard of living. All this “we’ve reached the bottom” nonsense, when there are 30,000 condos in Miami still for sale, is just wishful thinking by people who haven’t faced up to reality. I don’t live in a bunker and I don’t believe black helicopters are following me, but I know simple economics, and America’s economics remain a huge mess.

15 years ago

Chinese Drywall at Marina Blue???

As Marky NZ points out at post # 19 the condo Blue has a chinese drywall disclaimer per the post. The developer of Blue was “Hyperion” who shortly after Blue construction is the developer of “Marina Blue”. Can we assume chinese drwall at Marina Blue if the same developer Hyperion did both projects??? Wow what a bombshell. Anybody have info or details?

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