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New Miami Condos – Closing Rates for February 2008

February 20, 2008 by Lucas Lechuga
This month, I decided to make two separate graphs to show the percentage of total units that each development has closed since closings began. The first graph, found immediately below, reveals the closing rates for Miami condos which had their first closing prior to November 1 2007. The condo developments are also now ordered according to when closings began, with the first to the left.

New Miami Condo Closing Rates - February 2008

Below you will find the date that each condo development in the graph above began closings:

Not much has changed with this group of condos since the last update was provided in January. Ten Museum Park and Latitude on the River inched up about 2-3 percentage points. Star Lofts on the Bay remained the exact same and Onyx on the Bay was able to close one additional condo. The Loft Downtown 2 moved up a little over 5 percentage points and 50 Biscayne moved up almost 7 percentage points. A few different sources have told me that there have been about 200 defaulted condos at 50 Biscayne. This is in line with the 239 condos that are currently unaccounted for according to public records. Several people have left comments here stating that the developer has chosen to lease many of the defaulted condos and ride out the storm rather than sell to a bulk buyer. I'm sure other developers will follow suit, which will decrease the expected inventory levels for a few years.

New Miami Condo Closing Rates - February 2008

Below you will find the date that each condo development in the graph above began closings:

The graph above includes a group of condos which began closings within the past three months. I was surprised to see that 1800 Club has fared the best, although it should be noted that it did begin closings first amongst this group. Brickell on the River 2 has made much progress since the end of January when closed condos represented about 4 1/2 percent. Quantum on the Bay has done well considering that it has only received a TCO on the first of its two towers. Driving by a few times within the last couple of weeks, I did notice more lights on at night than one would expect from a condo development that just started closings about a month and a half ago. Same goes with 1800 Club. With a closing rate of about 20 percent, Apogee South Beach is off to a good start. Prices there start at about $2.5M. Plaza on Brickell has also only received a TCO on the first of its two towers. We should see much improvement from most of the condo buildings in the above group within the next month or two.

You may have noticed that One Bal Harbour and Midtown 2 are not found in this month's update. I chose not to include One Bal Harbour because the Regent condo-hotel units have now begun closings and I did not want to intermingle the two. I do know, however, that WCI Communities has been quite successful in closing units at One Bal Harbour. They've closed around 150-155 condos out of a total of 185. I also know that several have been reassigned and are currently under contract. I expect WCI to have only a couple developer units left at One Bal Harbour by the end of March.

I didn't include 2 Midtown because I noticed that a bunch of deeds have been re-recorded there. It would have taken me forever to sort through that mess. The following was written along the left-hand side of the re-recorded deeds: "This deed is being re-recorded to correct vesting on title".

Disclaimer: The above closing rate information was derived from public County records. There can be a 2-3 week delay from the time that a closing occurs and the time that the closing gets recorded.
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17 years ago

This is fantastic info, great job with this blog.

17 years ago

Great work Lucas! Quantum North should be TCO’ing soon.

17 years ago

Thanks G & Samir! I enjoy providing this update because it’s like watching a race to the finish from the sidelines in slow motion. So far nobody has crossed the finish line. It’ll be interesting to see who does it first. Other than One Bal Harbour, I have no clue which new condo development will reach the 100% mark first.

17 years ago

You’re the man.

17 years ago

Lucas – but does it matter? If, as the MLS seems to suggest, it’s largely people closing and then re-listing, it seems like it’s a case of “rather take a chance to resell” than “lose 10/20% for sure”.

That seems (1) a big bet to make given carrying costs (2) a terrible sign that there’s no underlying demand for these things. (3) some irrational actions going on

17 years ago

It’ll be more fun to see who does it first and i cant wait to see.

17 years ago

wow ten museum got a very good closing rate

do you have an idea of the % closed at midtown2? do u believe it is above 60% like they say?

Is this re-recorded a trick to record more or genuine?

17 years ago

One reason why one Bal Harbor faired so well is because of the area. I thought at those prices the project would be in trouble. I am assuming that many are closing, instead of walking away, because they feel they can rent the units out to cover there monthly costs. They are going to have to rent it out for big bucks! They can’t flip it! Look what happened at TMP. People started out trying to rent at huge prices. Now they have dropped big time!

17 years ago

how much do they rent 2 bedrooms at tmp?

17 years ago


TMP cant rent or sell the units becuase they are a piece of crap, overpriced, terribly designed units. also I think that one bal harbor is doing well because anyone who looks to buy in that area has big bucks and either has no problem waiting out the storm, or are out of towners who use them as second homes.


I heard they just sold 200 units as a bulk buy at 50 biscyane, closing should come very soon on those.

17 years ago

I have the same thoughts as Julian.

Keep in mind: these closings aren’t the same thing as sales. These are sales that occurred during the boom that are simply being completed now.

Choosing to close on a condo to avoid the certain loss of potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in deposit money is not the same thing as choosing today to buy the condo.

How many of these people closing on these units would make the same decision today if they didn’t have any deposit money on the line? My guess is very few – and yes, that includes One Bal Harbour. If very few of these units come back on the market as resales over the next couple of years and prices hold, I will of course recant.

But I’ll bet that Julian nailed it: many of these people are simply closing because they can’t bear to walk away from such a big deposit and are willing to take the chance that the Miami condo market will improve to the point where their loss will be minimized or erased. Clearly an irrational and losing bet – but there are still plenty of people who really don’t fully understand market bubbles and their aftermaths.

No matter how nice they are, One Bal Harbour and Apogee were some of the most expensive buildings – and thus had much bigger deposits at stake. I think that may have some effect on the closing rate.

You have to know when to hold ’em, and when to fold ’em. These people should have folded. Even if OBH and Apogee are the nicest buildings ever created by mankind, they will still be proportionately affected by the Miami condo market. If beachfront real estate falls in price, so will those buildings. Maybe by a lesser percentage, but they will fall nonetheless – even if the buyers are mostly end-users (which I highly doubt).

Again – anything is possible, but so far this thing has unfolded exactly as all the “bubbleheads” predicted. I don’t see that changing anything soon – even for the nicest buildings. Prices will continue their decline for a quite a while. There are too many negative market forces at work here.

17 years ago

assuming somebody gets a “deal” today on a new condo development 2B/2B around 1100 sq ft for $300k. assuming its in one of the new, nicer developments. how good of a deal do you think that is?

any thoughts on whether it would hold value or drop significantly from that price point? any thoughts on how much HOA and assessments will increase in the future and affect equity? trying to get a feel for what price point will constitute a good deal in the brickell area, one that you will not regret in 5 years. thoughts?

17 years ago

Doesn’t the math basically equate to the rate of attrition? How many people are moving, and staying in S. Florida as opposed to how many move away?

Alejandro Diaz-Bazan
17 years ago

Wow I am shocked 75% of Ten Musuem Park has closed, I find it extremelydifficult to sell a unit there, plus the parking lot is horrible and you have to valet your car

I want to see the closings in the buildings on South Miami Ave now those are going to get scary….

17 years ago

gables – I really think you should do research building by building as prices can be quite different & some buildings will hold their value much better than others (say some with ton of foreclosings).

I did a little report about Brickell Key condos (hope to get around doing Brickell next):

17 years ago

Raffi and BFG,

All I can say is that I totally agree! People are closing because they have big deposits down and are just hoping for the best. How long till some of these owners just run out of cash.

17 years ago


Where can I find rental/lease information on some of these units from owners? I’m interested in renting/leasing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

17 years ago

Generalmagic/RAFFI and BFG I agree w you tose people close because of their deposit
Nonetheless construction is at a dead point for 2 years as far as new towers are concerned and buildings are getting sold will that be enough to create a momentum s very possible

17 years ago

it might be a turning point low..even though we ll need time to work it out i dont see prices coming down too much from there…

I d looove to see tax reduced thoug…lol

17 years ago


I think you will see prices drop even further. I see it in many buildings already on the beach.

17 years ago


I have to disagree. You said:

“How many of these people closing on these units would make the same decision today if they didn’t have any deposit money on the line? My guess is very few – and yes, that includes One Bal Harbour.”

When it comes to One Bal Harbour I have to disagree. A large portion of the closed units at One Bal Harbour were not from people who were original contract holders. WCI decided to find NEW buyers for original contract holders. They are giving a ton of tours per day. It’s always very busy whenever I’m there. I had to wait one and a half hours this past Monday when I stopped in to pick up a set of condo docs because the sales rep had 3 appointments during that time. The reason why One Bal Harbour is having great success is because it is beachfront, you can buy at April 2003 prices and the development is fantastic.

17 years ago


Which buildings are you interested in? I have the rental listings for most of the buildings down the second column of this page.

17 years ago

75% at Ten Museum is not good. Its been tryng to close units since early last summer. Thats around 50 of the 200 units still owned by the developer. Plus, some of those sold were to a bulk buyer. Developer dont make any money until that last 10-15% or so. Everything before that is paying off construction debt and investors.

Daniel Perez
17 years ago


I will have the closing of my studio at AVENUE at Brickell (1060 Brickell).

I paid $400 ppsf.

As the situation on every building will be different, and some will hold better values than others…. what is the opinion and advise of some of you that saw all the buildings in the brickell area compared to mine.

In my opinion the building looks really good, and i think it should have a strong demand compared to others, but i really want to know other points of views before taking my closing.

thank you very much !!!


17 years ago

I think some people here are confusing buying as an investor or buying for your personal dwelling. If your buying as an investor forget about it. Doesen’t matter how much lower these prices go it’s other factors that would keep us investors away. Even if I get a 2/2 for 250k I still wouldn’t be able to cover mortgage, taxes, and HOA with rent. Especially the ridiculous HOA they are charging. it all depends on the size of the down payment as well, but still not a good investment. NOW if your buying to live in it, it’s a good choice. because if you hold on to it for 5yrs or so you will be able to sell it for a higher price. The money you spend on taxes and HOA you would pay somewhere else anyways. so as an investor I am staying out but if I were looking to live somewhere I don’t think you can go wrong buying at under 300 sq.ft for bay front property, especially in the long run.

17 years ago


I was actually working on a post about Avenue at Brickell last night. I should have it published by tomorrow. Here are few quick things that I noted in touring Avenue:
1. There’s very little closet space (end-buyers will definitely take notice of this)
2. The amenities aren’t finished (at least when I saw them last about three weeks ago)
3. The layouts I saw weren’t very functional. They seemed smaller to me than the square footage that was stated.

17 years ago

“The reason why One Bal Harbour is having great success is because it is beachfront, you can buy at April 2003 prices and the development is fantastic.”

One thing I will concede: WCI is doing a great job at either convincing new people to buy these things and/or getting original contract holders to follow through. That much I will not argue.

Either way, it does not change my outlook. As the Miami beachfront condo market goes, so goes OBH. There is no such thing as “immunity” from an overall market decline in prices. Like I said, some of these building will hold up better than others. But none of them are immune. Not one.

17 years ago

Lucas –

“When it comes to One Bal Harbour I have to disagree. A large portion of the closed units at One Bal Harbour were not from people who were original contract holders. WCI decided to find NEW buyers for original contract holders. ”

I can’t publish or repeat in a public forum allegations that I have heard from a good source, but if they are correct, your ANALYSIS of these observable facts you describe is entirely and totally wrong.

Sorry I cannot be more precise.

Daniel Perez
17 years ago


thank you very much for your info. I definitelly look foward on reading your future post of Avenue.

i havent seen the building on the inside yet, so if you did and found that out, is definitelly not good…

I will wait for your new post tomorrow and see more details,

thanks a lot for all your work !!!!

this blog is the best !!!!


17 years ago

Maybe this has been addressed before, but according to, there are 84 re-sale units in OBH (just in MLS). That’s about a third of the building.

If that is true, that is a huge number and only reinforces my skepticism over the “success” of this building. Maybe the developer will get out successfully, but the “investors” won’t.

17 years ago

BFG – suspect the data is true. But it’s all in the interpretation of how this situation came about.

17 years ago

any news on marina blue lucas? im very interested in it

17 years ago


Thanks, I didn’t notice that there (rental listings) and I read this blog almost everyday. I’m not sure as to which building yet, I want to do a few more drive by’s and get a feel for the area outside of some of these.

17 years ago

ever since EWM fired you for that ridiculous lawsuit you’ve had alot more action on the site, congrats haha. I guess the old saying is true “theres no such thing as bad press”

17 years ago


my guess is the rental mkts aren’t doing too well either (yet). but having gone through the rentals…the asking $ seems ridiculous too. almost as if the asking $ is what they need to make to cover costs and not what the real mkt is (similar to the sales mkt). having said this, is the rental mkt moving better than the sales mkt? cause for these reantal asking prices, i’d rather own … granted, rent (as sales) mkts are totally negotiable. any info? thanks…just wondering if a 2/2 in a decent bldg is actually getting the 4-8k/mo that is being asked…

Alejandro Diaz-Bazan
17 years ago

BFG while you are right that nobuilding is going to be inmmune beachfront is beachfront and you can take all the rental vs own. NOI/Cap Rate analysis you want Miami will rebound and there are hardly any beachfront lots to develop left so the buildings with an actual beach will hold up better and in my opinion will not be hit as bad as the other ones…

17 years ago

Any word how Trump Tower One closings are doing? I would assume since it sold for significantly less then tower’s two and three it should be doing ok. My unit is still up for grabs, I decided not to close and will sell at a loss despite the truly great price I got it at.

17 years ago

Hi Lucas,

Just curious if you had the closing percentage on Wind by NEO that just started closing this month.

And if possible, where do you find that information. It would be great if I can keep an update for myself on the buildings situation every week.


17 years ago

RaulV, I just added the condo listings last week.

Julian, can you at least say what part of my statement you think is incorrect? My understanding is that WCI did not default original contract holders that could not or did not want to close. Their new deadline to close units is March 31. Any units that they are unable to find a new buyer for will then go into default. I’ve been told that if the developer gets back any defaulted units that they won’t discount them from original reservation prices.

FalseAdvertisement, I will likely include Wind in next month’s update. I wasn’t aware that closings already began. I get the information from the County website.

17 years ago

Raffi, you are completely correct. I now have a lot more readers of this blog since the media picked up on the story about the lawsuit. I still haven’t been served either. Nothing beats free publicity.

Samir, the Wall Street Journal article was supposed to be published today. The reporter contacted me today to verify the building names for pictures that he took. He said it will run next week.

17 years ago

The level of discourse on this blog is outstanding. I’ve never seen a real estate blog with so many intelligent, astute, and well-written comments. Keep up the good work!

Adner B
17 years ago


If there is such a high supply of units and a scarce demand, (and I’m guessing that buildings are going to continue having a hard time to close)… does that mean that as a renter, I will be living in an empty building? Does that reality even exist?

If not, then where does Miami (Brickell) expect to get the thousands of people to occupy these units within the next year?

I work in the Brickell Area and often leave at night with my sunroof open to purposefully look out for any lights on in the newer buildings that already began closing in late 2007 and early this year. There are hardly any people in the buildings.

Since I have my eyes set on renting at the Plaza, am I fooling myself into thinking that I’m getting a good deal at this time? Wouldn’t it be smart to wait it out until the Axis, 1060, 500 Brickell, Everglades on the Bay, Inifinity and Marina Blue get finished??


17 years ago

Alejandro, you said :

“Wow I am shocked 75% of Ten Musuem Park has closed, I find it extremely difficult to sell a unit there, plus the parking lot is horrible and you have to valet your car…”

I’m confused about the parking situation… I mean, if they can valet it, why can’t we park it?? what’s the real difference or savings to space, if somebody else parks my car?? Are the spaces so small that a “professional driver” has to park my car?? What exactly is “horrible” about the parking lot??

Thanks in advance …

17 years ago

Adner, yes, if you can wait.. all those buildings you listed will have many rental units. There seems to be a lot of condo owners thinking they will ride things out by renting until things get better. The problem is, they are just going to flood the mid to high end rental market with more units than the rental market can absorb. Take look at the listings on craigslist…

16 years ago

can someone tell me more about 1800 club? i would buy a unit to live in it but i am very scared because if enough people walk away and dont pay their maintenance fees.. then the owners who really want to be there will end up paying high assessments.. and if most cant afford these assessments, then it will be very difficult for the entire building to continue operating? thanks!

16 years ago

I am an owner of a condo at the Regent Bal Harbour, part of the One Bal Harbour project. I would love to say that everything has been just perfect with my WCI experience, but that’s just not the case. Not pointing fingers, which is a complete waste of time, the market has left many buyers, myself included, in difficult circumstances. While the market is clearly in free fall I still believe long term in real estate as an investment class and location as the prime driver. Yes, I would get a better price buying today but would not get the “view” that I selected at the time of purchase. Short term my purchase will certainly take a hit, but long term I believe I will be just fine.

My experience with WCI left much to be desired. Frankly getting them out of the way will be the first step to making this project successful. But even with WCI in the picture I remain, for now, optimistic. I will try to sum up my thoughts below.

First, I am a huge believer in the condo hotel business model. Its not perfect of course, but the model does work if the numbers are run correctly. The Regent Bal Harbour is new so the “returns” are yet to be seen. Other condo hotels that I have bought are shaping up as a perfect investment for me. Certainly the model does not fit with everyones investment philosophy. I find my real estate investments allow me to sleep easy at night whereas my “stock” portfolio keeps me awake. Ask yourself “is an investment 6 months ago on the beach better than an investment 6 months ago in Bear Stearns and you get the picture”.

Second, I do not FLIP real estate. Real estate is a safe, but long term investment. I especially like the Miami condo hotel market. Why? Visit the US Census Bureau website and study the numbers. Yes, I’m early stage just as I was early to buy JP Morgan stock a few months ago. Long term the population is changing and changing FAST. The baby boomers are going to change what retirement is all about. My analysis shows Miami will be a huge beneficiary of increased travel by retirees looking to get out of the cold. 78 million baby boomers looking to retire over the next 20 years and not one boomer has reached age 64 yet. I like the sound of those numbers.

Third, real estate allows you to “leverage” your investments unlike any other asset class that I’m aware of. My focus during the first few years of a real estate investment is to perfectly match the debt with the rental revenues. Honestly, I do not yet have a feel for Regent revenues but thats always the case early on. Once this “match” is made the investment appreciates tax deferred while the rental revenues cover the costs.

Finally, many things will change over the next 10 years but one thing will hold true, One Bal Harbour will still reside on one of the finest parcels of real estate in all of Florida. I don’t know what the nightly rates will be 10 years from now but I can guess that they will be higher than they are today. The only thing “certain” for now is my purchase price for a condo at the Regent will never change. Not next year, not ever. No investment is perfect or without risk. I may go down in flames someday, but I’ll go down swinging!!

Have a great day everyone!

[…] developer behind Onyx on the Bay. Closings for condos at Onyx on the Bay began on July 31, 2007. My February condo closing rate post revealed that Onyx on the Bay was able to close only 45.38 percent of its units at the time. […]

[…] has been a while since my last post regarding the closing rate of various Miami condo developments. The last update was provided on February 20, 2008. As with the February post, the first graph below reveals the closing rate of those Miami condo […]

The Insider
16 years ago

Biscayne landings-Rumor all inventory sold to Hedge Fund-sales staff fired-rehired at lower costs-Rumor going to complete amenities-Fact
great rental property-not good to own!!
Boca negotiating with City on Commercial project. City may cave in on amount of revenue it is to receive for the land lease. Hotel planned 4 star??
Marina Grande North Miami Beach-Project is dead in the water-no pun intended. Hugh amount of unpaid vendors- in the Millions!!

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