Brickell Condos - Closed Sales
Condos that have sold in Brickell Miami within the past six months.
649 condos closed sales in Brickell with in the past 12 months.
GO TO Brickell condos-
- All Filters
- Sort:
Flooring type
Waterfront Type
- Furnished
- Unfurnished
- Development
- unit
- price
- % change
- price /Sqft
- Beds
- Baths
- Furnished
- List Date
- Photos
- Fav
- Brickell On The River South
- 1608
- $640,000
- $464
- 2
- 2
- 1,402
- Yes
- 41 SE 5th St #1608
- $640,000
- 08/21/24
- 31
- The Plaza On Brickell West
- 1807
- $640,000
- $584
- 2
- 2
- 1,113
- Yes
- 951 Brickell Ave #1807
- $640,000
- 12/06/23
- 46
- Neo Vertika
- PHI14
- $649,900
- -14.23%
- $518
- 2
- 2
- 1,255
- No
- 690 SW 1st Ct #PHI14
- $649,900
- 10/31/23
- -14.23%
- 31
- The Palace
- B1504
- $720,000
- -41.51%
- $396
- 2
- 2
- 1,640
- No
- 1541 Brickell Ave #B1504
- $720,000
- 07/18/23
- -41.51%
- 27
- Axis On Brickell North
- 2522-N
- $625,000
- -1.91%
- $640
- 2
- 2
- 1,012
- No
- 1111 SW 1st Ave #2522-N
- $625,000
- 05/31/24
- -1.91%
- 33