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Biscayne Boulevard – Then & Now

January 23, 2008 by Lucas Lechuga

Biscayne Boulevard

I'm not quite sure when the picture above was taken. My guess is the late 1920's. The Freedom Tower, which you see in the background of both pictures, was built in 1925. I do know, however, that the picture below was taken this afternoon. It's amazing to see how much Biscayne Boulevard has changed over the years.

Biscayne Boulevard Miami now
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17 years ago

What’s the story with 1060 Brickell. No one is selling this property and the builder’s website seems outdated by many months.

Actually, this seems to be a problem with several Brickell ave developments. Another notable development that has no new info is Axis. It looks like the work at Axis has slowed to a crawl

17 years ago

the problem with 1060 is that fortune is running the sales efforts. i’ve never dealt with a more inept group of folks.

17 years ago

I heard that 1060 (Avenue) will begin closings by next week. Neither 1060 nor Axis had a resale program. That is probably why you don’t hear much about them.

17 years ago

i thought 1060 already started closings (at least that’s what the person from fortune told me – although she’s probably wrong based on my views of their intellectual capacity). in any event, there’s definitely units available. and considering what’s happened with jade, i’m curious what fortune’s sales efforts will yield here.

17 years ago


Closings may have already started. Last week I heard that they would begin in a few weeks but maybe they did start this week.

17 years ago

Axis has a resale program. It is open to allow outside brokers to list properties for resale. It would require simultaneous closings. Resales are allowed if contracted prior to January 31st. But I think this date may have changed recently. It didn’t really make sense to me, if it is a simultaneous closing then why have a deadline for all resales? I have 3 units listed for sale if interested – all 2 bedrooms (1 corner, 1 high floor and 1 middle range, all negotiable). 1060 Brickell I believe never had a resale program. They had a few developer units remaining and I think the developer opted to require everyone to close prior to listing properties for sale. Some developments do this. I think Met1 and Met3 do the same thing. But they were told in the beginning so they deter speculators from buying.

17 years ago

That is true. Axis did send out a letter to contract holders stating that they would allow them to resell with outside brokers. I meant to say that they didn’t have a formal resale program out of their own sales center. I’m not quite sure when those letters were sent out though. In August, I wrote a post about a condo that someone had under contract at Axis and wanted me to find them a buyer for it. Within a month, he received a letter from the developer stating that he was in danger of being in breach of contract for advertising his condo for sale. He immediately called me to take down the post because he didn’t want them to take it back from him.

Bill P
17 years ago

Are you and Samir now partnered? If not, it certainly isn’t appropriate for him to be plugging his listings on your blog!

17 years ago

I would hope that biscayne boulevard would have changed in 80 years. I mean I know that Miami-Dade county is run by morons but c’mon, 80 years is a lonnnng time.

17 years ago

I meant I have units listed only. Of course you should use Lucas as your buyer’s agent!

17 years ago


regarding the before/after pictures you posted…i find the older picture to be a much nicer one than the present one 🙂

17 years ago

I’d like to visit the 1920’s Miami.

17 years ago

By the way, there are tons of great historical Miami photos at this site, if anyone is interested:

17 years ago

Regarding 1060 Brickell: Closings have started and will continue thru March. I am one of those that signed on for a 1 bdrm ,(3 yrs ago),but now am unable to close . I called IMCO (the builder) to tell them and was told if I could find someone to take over my contract , it was ok with them. (anyone interested, contact Lucas for info.)They said they do not have a resale program and if I defaulted, then I was entitled to get back part of my deposit. It will interesting to see how long, and if they refund me. I’ve tried to contact Fortune, but they seem confused and overstressed.

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