Google Maps Street View is Simply Amazing!
May 31, 2007 by Lucas Lechuga

If you haven't taken a look at Google Maps in the last couple of days then head over there now and take a look at their new street-level view capability. It is simply amazing! It allows you to view a location from the perspective of a person walking down the street. It also allows you to interact with the photo by turning the view and moving forward or backward in the photo. Both Microsoft and Amazon released similar products earlier in the year, but the one released a few days ago by Google is on a totally different level.
When you get to Google Maps type in an address. For the photo above, I typed in "950 S Miami Ave, 33131". It then shows you a map for that location. Click on the "Street View" box in the upper right hand corner of the map. You will then see an orange stick man appear on the map. Click on him and a photo, like the one above, will appear of the area. From there you can move forward or backwards in the map using the arrows within the photo or turn the view 90 degrees by using the two arrows in the upper left hand corner of the photo. It also allows you to turn left or right at intersections.
The images look to be about 4-6 months old judging by the photo above. The image at the top is of a new commercial development called Mary Brickell Village. It looks to have been taken around December or January. I navigated the street a bit and noticed that one of the restaurants is fenced off, as it was around that time.
The new street view functionality can play an important role in real estate. People can now "virtually" walk any neighborhood that they want without ever leaving home. Miami is a haven for second home buyers and investors. This type of mapping capability will prove beneficial to nonlocal buyers who can now familiarize themselves with various neighborhoods. I love technology! Just wait until the day when we are able to interact with video and navigate a virtual video map. Now that would truly be amazing!