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Unique 2,754 Square Foot 3 Bedroom at 900 Biscayne Bay – $1.45M

September 7, 2009 by Lucas Lechuga
Last week I visited a one-of-a-kind 3 bedroom condo at 900 Biscayne Bay.  The condo has 2,754 square feet of interior, 3 large balconies, 3.5 bathrooms, a private elevator and 2 separate laundry rooms.  The unit also has 11-foot ceilings which is only found on the 58th floor.  Even the penthouse level units at 900 Biscayne Bay only have 10-foot ceilings. The living room, master bedroom and master bathroom are monstrous.  The unit comes with 2 deeded parking spaces.

The asking price is $1.45M.

Floor plan for the 3 bedroom condo

900 Biscayne Bay 3 bedroom floor plan

Private elevator

private elevator

Entrance to the condo with double doors

900 Biscayne Bay foyer

11-foot ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows

900 Biscayne Bay kitchen

Kitchen with granite counter tops and Wenge cabinetry

900 Biscayne Bay kitchen

Another shot of the kitchen


Stainless steels appliances by Sub-Zero and Miele

Laundry Room

laundry room 1

Living Room

900 Biscayne Bay living room

East view

View east

Southeast view

view southeast from the condo

Master bedroom

Another shot of the master bedroom

900 Biscayne Bay master bedroom

Balcony off the master bedroom

balcony off the master bedroom

Hers walk-in closet in the master bedroom

Hers walk-in closet

His walk-in closet in the master bedroom

His walk-in closet

Master bathroom

Bidet & toilet in the master bathroom

Second Eurotech washer and dryer in master bedroom

launddry room 2

Second bedroom

second bedroom

Walk-in closet and additional closets in the second bedroom

2nd bedroom closets

Second bathroom

second bathroom

Bidet & toilet in the second bathroom

Third bedroom

third bedroom 900 Biscayne Bay

Southwest view

southwest view from the third bedroom

Walk-in closet in the third bedroom

walk-in closet of the third bedroom

Third bathroom

Third bathroom

Half bathroom

half bathroom

View the 900 Biscayne Bay common areas and amenities

Contact me to view this condo in person.  786-247-6332
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15 years ago

What a horrible floorplan.

15 years ago

Can you elaborate? What makes it a horrible floor plan?

15 years ago

There is no flow, there is no separation between public and private spaces, the room proportions are odd, there are too many irregular angles. There is no symmetry or balance.

It is a lot of square footage but poorly utilized. It looks like two units poorly combined into one. A lot of wasted space in hallways.

The living room is small for a unit of this size. One should enter into a gracious entry and it should lead into dramatic living space, not to the too small bedrooms and past the kitchen.

Ceiling height is nice and views are great.

15 years ago

PHB and PHC have logical floor plans and there are other available units at better prices than your feature. Sorry.

15 years ago

The living/dining area is too small… probably because the Master Bedroom space is way too big…

If you take that area south of the private lobby/elevator in the floorplan (which is pretty much the Master BR + laundry), it looks to be 2x the Living + Dining area. 1x would be more in line.

Also, I’m not fond of foyers where you enter and have to make a 90 degree right or left turn. Right away, it would make me feel that it’s not a prime unit.

15 years ago

I didn’t want to be the first to say something negative, but I agree with BillP. For $1.5 million, there should be some “wow” factor when walking in the door, but this unit, as BillP said, opens to a small maze (foyer + kitchen hallway).

I might like this unit at $200 or $250/sq. foot, but not at almost $500/sq. foot. Prices like this are why I’m sure the Miami market has a long ways left to drop.

15 years ago

Before looking at the pictures I was studying the floor plan and was trying to figure out the flow of the unit and I must agree with the other comments, this condo lacks an easy walk through flow with balance. Why the two laundry rooms? Is this an opened concept or not?
Why the two bathrooms on either side of the office? Why the cramped living room/dining room area? At the asking price of almost $1.5m, I am expecting much more……….

15 years ago

Who would pay $1.5 million to live in an area that has homeless people everywhere? The price is still way too high! Look at all the other buildings in that area. There have been no closed sales in that price range. I checked out this building already. There are beautiful units over there. But then I walked behind the building and in front of the building into the park. The area is just depressing. There were just so many homeless people. I would be scared to walk my dog around there at night. The views are great from the units. But as soon as I started to walk around the neighborhood, I felt like I was going to get mugged and that was during the day. I agree with Joe, the prices need to drop down to $200 -250 /sq ft. Im sure they are having trouble getting these prices. They need to get realistic about where the current market is. At almost $500 /sq ft you can get a beautiful unit at the beach in a great building.

elvis in miami
15 years ago

The main reason we didn’t move to 900 was the lack of usable space. The units were nice, but the angles used and small extra rooms just wasted a lot of space. Our secondary reason was the neighborhood.

15 years ago

Ahh the neighborhood-Park West or should we call it the hood @ Camillas West as its just amazing how many of our cities homeless live in this million dollar neighborhood-Nothing better than the people mover as a rain shelter-

Too bad soo sad as so much hope so much hype and so many promises yet to be realized-Museums, plaza, restaurants? Three years later now and still nada-oh sorry an empty Brazillian place that will soon close and a soon to open Brick oven Pizza concept which will only look to feed the homeless the left over slices that dont sell for lunch-maybe they should make a deal with the city-Walk your dog-are you kidding-unless its a rotweiller think wee wee pads as you’ll only be walking in “it” anyway once you hit the street at least you know where and what you are stepping in…as you already stepped in it if you bought and or are thinking of buying in Park West!!

15 years ago

I agree with the above posters. For such an enormous price and a seemingly large unit, there is such a waste of space. How much laundry do you really have with (at most) 4 people living here to utilize 2 W/Ds. The powder room is a waste when you have a bath next to the office and a bath in the 2nd bedrm. So much closet space which normally I would love, but even I cannot think of what I would use all that closet space for. If you’re living in a 3 bdrm home, you can’t have that much to store. And the living, dining, kitchen, and masters seem small to me for that amount of money. Seriously, for $1.45M, I’d rather have a nice big home.

15 years ago

Yeah I would agree. Thumbs down on this unit. Poor layout.

15 years ago

Hate to pile on Lucas, but unimpressed.

The chopped-up unit, the neighborhood, lack of shops/services nearby….For that kind of money, I’d buy in the Grovernor House in the Grove…

15 years ago

If I was a Miami condo owner attempting to sell, I would make sure to tell Lucas NOT to post my unit info on his site, as it clearly is a Deathwish.

State Income Tax
15 years ago

This looks like one of those placemat mazes your get at Denny’s.

I live in a nearby building and the neighborhood is not good. I’m accosted when I go to fill gas at the BP. I can’t jog in the area and I can’t walk my dog. I would never live here permanantly. There is no cohesive feeling or sense of community. Just these 4 structures sprouting out from a surrounding wasteland. I feel totally disconnected from the rest of Miami. I wish I moved into a Brickell or Miami Beach condo… I feel sorry for people who bought units in my building. The lack of parking spots is absurd. Second spot costs hundreds of $$$ for valet. Not even a designated spot. Spots are cramped and oddly placed . One guy has to bust a hard right in between two concrete columns to get in.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

The views look nice but the first time I saw the floorplan I had trouble figuring out how it would be “livable”. As others have posted, the floorplan is choppy and awkward. Must have been two units combined into one. With a creative designer I’m sure it could look nice but seems overpriced.

elvis in miami
15 years ago

I think State Income Tax has a good assessment of the area. Things I wished I would have done before renting a condo downtown:
1) drove from the ground to the assigned parking spot
2) walked the route from parking spot to/from unit
3) visit the building for a full day to see any trouble or permanent problems
4) meet the building management and assess their competency (I swear there are some really dumb people that 5 minutes of conversation can bring to light)

I know things can change, but agents have a great way of disguising things or picking the best time and route to get you there. And coming to the building and just valet parking while looking at units sucks if you have a nice car and need to drive.

15 years ago

the floorplan apparently sucks.

Hugo P
15 years ago

Ok… besides the fact that the floorplan is strange, $1.45 Million for 2,754 sf in an unfinished unit translates to $526/sf.

The question is: ARE YOU F$#$@@ SERIOUS??? Who would pay that for this unit at this location? Besides the fact that it probably needs at least $100k to make it livable.

You can get an oceanfront unit with similar square footage at MEI or Mosaic for that price… and wait until Caribbean hits the market.

Lucas… I know this is your site and that it generates business for you, but you need to be obective with these postings or no one interested in using you as a buyer’s broker will take you seriously.

15 years ago

I would have to agree at that price I would look at something on the beach.

15 years ago

The MCI was quiet for many days with no posts and suddenly 20 posts on one day. And I knew why! This unit is bringing as much consternation as ICON thread did a while ago.

But in all fairness, Lucas never claimed it the “Best Deal or best price or most beautiful” and so on. He called it “Unique” and unique it is. That maze of a floor plan will leave you with a headache. After negotiating miles of labyrinths, the prize is to reach a bedroom with a view?

If I were the owner, I would knock down all those walls of office cubicles/jail cell type rooms and enclosures just when you step off the elevator. Even then, you will not get a wow factor when you enter as the living room is still invisible and cannot be incorporated into a large area due to the kitchen being smack in the middle and the views are obscured too.

I know that people have called my unit in 1800 “Cookie cutter”, “Not big enough (at 1222 sf)” etc etc. But one thing that is going for my ” Small, Poor” house is the wow factor. When you open the door, the wall to wall, floor to ceiling glass reveals a brilliant sunshine and spectacular infinite water views that actually makes the unit feel larger than it is. Visitors can’t take their eyes off of the view and everything else in the flat becomes secondary.
Unfortunately, this particular unit failed to take advantage of that one single most important factor and ends up looking cramped even with almost 3000 sf of space. The design is poor such that you cannot even have a party for 20 people as the living room is not big enough and the terrace is disjointed.
I hate to ask the HOA on this flat. That would probably make anyone’s head spin.

15 years ago

Everyone else ranking on Park West area, I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I lived there April and May and did not experience anything remotely what you guys described. Since when are you guys afraid of homeless people mugging you? I have only seen a handful of homeless people there. The max happened to be about 5 and they were hovering near the Mary Brickell Village Metro mover stop and not at the Park West or 11th st station. Go figure. If you want to go to beach to escape homeless people, I have news for you, you will be slammed with 10 times more homeless people on the beach. At least in downtown, they can go to Camille house to rest, relax or refresh, on the beach they piss all over the place. In fact one reason I like downtown area more than SOBE is because homeless are less visible in downtown than on SOBE. You can gasp in disbelief but it is what it is. Los Angeles is supposed to have 60,000 homeless people, the majority of who live in Downtown. Compare that to Miami downtown. Just 422 as counted by some agency, which of course I will not believe but you get the point. The number is very low compared to other major cities.
When ever you invoke homeless problem, you have such a feeble excuse as you run out of all other vitriol to deride Park West. Park West is a convenient location, quite livable right now and has even great future lying ahead.

The Ace
15 years ago

At $526.51 per square foot that’s one hell of a price to pay for bathrooms with Bidets and an extra washer/dryer. I’m sure most of us would not know what to do with either one of them. This madness cannot continue and here is why:

Foreclusures and unemployment continue to rise to record levels with no end in sight despite government intervention and loan modifications. In the short run the plan will keep some homes out of foreclosure and appease voters, who will be able to continue the delusions that they still have home equity. Also, the plan might create some false hope, thereby slowing down the adjustment. However, over the long run, which may happen sooner then many politicians naively believe, the plan will make mortgages even harder to get, and ultimately lead to even lower home prices and more foreclosures than might have been the case without the plan.

The best thing is for the government to stay out and let the lenders work this out with the borrowers without any outside interference. In many cases foreclosure is better then keeping people in homes they cannot afford that are worth less then their mortgages. Let investors buy these properties, put up real cash, have some equity, and rent them out.

As many of you here on this Blog are real eatate investors I thought I would test your knowledge by asking a simple question:

What are the three most important words in real estate investing?

Renter Tom
15 years ago

The Ace – Nice post. I know most people say location….but really it is price since at the right price it cures all location problems.

15 years ago

I would say timing comes first, then location and price

15 years ago

The Ace — Either “price, price, price” or “cash-flow positive.”

Mr. J L Whinston
15 years ago

LONG LIVE “THE ACE” where have you been ACE????

15 years ago

5108 sold for $333 per square foot. That would put this one at $925,000.

We aren’t being negative. With our broad cross section of knowledge and honest feedback, we are helping Lucas do his job, either as buyer’s agent or seller’s agent.

Wild Bill
15 years ago

You would have to be insane to spend over a million dollars on a condominium in Miami.

I impact glass will not block the sound from the street level gunshots.

Woman shot in parking space dispute near Miami club,0,208257.story

15 years ago

Wow, what a bunch of naysayers on everything! This is the best of urban living in an incredible building with stunning common facilities (you can have a party for 100 in the lounge with music or a screening in the theater with food and drinks right in the attached cafe.) The view from the 58th floor is world class–you don’t loose the “wow factor” just because you have to turn to the left to get it. The main living area is not small. It is just that the Master bedroom is huge–I would move the bed to the far wall as you come into the room and make a sitting room or desk area to the other side. And who is complaining about “too much closet space??” Are you kidding? Most people in cramped apartments would kill for the extra closets. I know I would. The price might be high, but we all know that everything is negotiable today. The new Brazilian restaurant is jammed every night and I hear there is a Japanese opening soon at 900 and pizza place opening next door at Marina Blue. Where is your foresight, fellas? This is an end user apartment, not an investor unit. Cash-flow positive? This is not an apartment building–it’s a home! I show this building and I’m with Lucas. I guess you had to be there.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

Wow Judy….it was pretty clear from your cheering leading that you are a Realtor®, no need to actually have to tell us. Ignore the price since “it’s a home!”. I sure hope you’re not a buyer’s agent.

15 years ago

Judy…Judy…Judy….READ…LISTEN…and if you can….TRY to UNDERSTAND… cannot sell something that 19 out of 20 readers do not agree with YOU! Change your attitude or go work at McDonald’s……

Odd & Sods
15 years ago

Good to see you back Ace and excellent post by the way. We look forward to your answer as to the three most important words in real estate.

As to Post # 30 I have to agree with Renter Tom, for her reply was the most blatent self serving (give me my 6% and screw you) diatribe I have ever read, even on Company Real Estate Websites. To pay more than $400 per sq ft than it’s worth ($526 divided by the Ace recommended wholesale price of $125) just because their is a Brilzilian resturant close by is absurd.

Lady, the days of realtors conning unsuspecting house buyers are over, I know because “Suzanne” research it! LOL

Odd & Sods
15 years ago

For all you mathmaticians, I meant to say “minus” not divide

15 years ago

I knew Judy was a Realtor ™ as soon as I saw the phrase “the best of urban living” in her first sentence.

I don’t know enough about the Park West area to know if it’s as bad as some people say, but it’s sure as hell not “the best.”

With Miami’s screwed-up r.e. market and the City’s screwed-up finances, a person would have to be an idiot to buy into these downtown buildings based on the promises some r.e. people are spouting of “big development coming soon.”

15 years ago

Ace nailed it with his comments on leave the market alone. The problem we are seeing today with the burst housing bubble eminated from the perceived need of the Democrats to provide housing for all, regardless of their ability to make the payments. And the sleazy banks with their teaser rates that literally eat your lunch after a few 2% pops. Really showed those guys that they should be more honest and forthright in their loan practices by making them take all that TARP money w/ no strings attached… huh?
But I agree with the 19, that the layout is a bit messy. The architect should have consulted with some double wide designers. They make things flow and sometimes fly, depending upon the weather conditions, of course.
This is a very interesting board. Some of the commentators have some unique perspectives.
I would love to trade my house in Naperville, IL, for one of those $500K condo’s down on South Beach or vicinity. It is getting to become cooler up here already and not just by the lake.

15 years ago

Below is an somewhat interesting article from MNT regarding suicide jumpers from local condo towers. Another reason to not to buy a condo right now: if you live on a lower floor, your balcony may become very messy with splattered human body parts.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

Drew – Sadly I have heard of other suicides in some of these new condos. Now, there are always suicides so don’t know if there is an increase or not but probably at least some increase due to economic stresses (as I posted long ago there are real consequences to the economic downturn….people die, divorce, etc.). My compassion goes out to these poor souls.

Odd & Sods
15 years ago

Why didn’t we think of this before, it’s no wonder that there are so many foreclousures and HOA dilinquents in Miami. Its because the owners are skydiving from the Miami skyscrapers without parachutes. Perhaps Obama can bail them out with a stimulus “Cash for Chutes” program.

This blog is a joke
15 years ago

What a joke this blog has become.

15 years ago

Please, would anyone care to comment on the new “Contiuum”? I would like to rent there this winter. Thanks, joey from NYC.

15 years ago


Suzanne Research It
15 years ago

Judy! Judy! Judy!

Prey tell how one can afford a party for 100 people with an underwater mortgage of $1.45M?

Wild Bill
15 years ago

This unit has bubble written all over it. The entire neighborhood is a monument to stupidity.

15 years ago

Donzi, go there and if you like it, rent it. Since you’re not buying it, there’s not much you need to think about.

15 years ago

How is 900 doing anyway? Closings-wise?

15 years ago

Donzi — I might be wrong, and condo owners are known to break their own HOA rules when it comes to rentals, but I believe the minimum rental term at Continuum North is 6 months (and might even be 12 months). There’s no shortage of available rentals listed there, though, so YMMV.

Wild Bill
15 years ago

Check Craigslist to confirm illegal rentals. Look under vacation rentals. Contiuum owners are still offering hotel rentals. Hope they are paying bed taxes.

In total, there is a six percent (6%) tax collected on the rental amount from any person who rents, leases or lets for consideration any living quarter accommodations in a hotel, apartment hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment motel, rooming house, mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, single family dwelling, beach house, cottage, condominium, or any other sleeping accommodations rented for a period of six (6) months or less. If the rental is for more than six (6) months, a bonafide written lease must be provided in order to be exempt. The 6% tax is made up of the following 3 taxes:

Three percent (3%) Convention Development Tax (CDT) collected throughout Miami-Dade County, with the exception of the cities of Surfside and Bal Harbour. Two-thirds (2/3) of the CDT receipts are distributed to Miami-Dade County, and one-third (1/3) is used to fund the Miami Arena (excess one-third (1/3) receipts go back to Miami-Dade County).
Two percent (2%) Tourist Development Tax (TDT) collected throughout Miami-Dade County, with the exception of the cities of Surfside, Bal Harbour and Miami Beach. Sixty percent (60%) of the TDT is distributed to the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, twenty percent (20%) to the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, and twenty percent (20%) to the City of Miami.
One percent (1%) Professional Sports Facilities Franchise Tax collected throughout Miami-Dade County, with the exception of the cities of Surfside, Bal Harbour and Miami Beach. This one percent (1%) tax is used only for debt service payments on county debt for professional sports facilities.

15 years ago

Can I assume that the private lobby and the little hallway area to the left when you come off the elevator are included in that 2754 square foot number? So its probably closer to 2000 square feet of actual interior space.

15 years ago

Sorry to go off topic . . .

I’m looking at a condo : Brickell Townhouse (at 2451 Brickell Ave). I was wondering if anybody had any experiences or info that they could share regarding this building.

Stability? Reputuation? etc. . . .

Any and all advice would be hugely appreciated! Thanks!

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