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The #1 Miami Real Estate Website

Top 5 Distressed Condo Sales Closed in February 2010

March 6, 2010 by Lucas Lechuga
Below, you will find what I believe to be the five best condo deals of the 40  distressed sales that closed in February 2010 in the MLS located in Brickell, Brickell Key, Downtown Miami and the Arts District.

  1. Two Midtown #H1002 – 1 bedroom/1.5 bath (735 square feet) – This unit sold for $100,000, or $136 per square foot, on February 25, 2010.  Foreclosure

  2. Cite on the Bay #2404 - 1 bedroom/1 bath (706 square feet) - This unit sold for $110,000, or $156 per square foot, on February 26, 2010.  Short Sale

  3. Two Midtown #H1009 – 1 bedroom/1 bath (735 square feet) – This unit sold for $115,000, or $156 per square foot, on February 1, 2010.  Short Sale

  4. 1800 Club #1811 – 1 bedroom/1.5 bath (1,095 square feet) – This unit sold for $190,000, or $174 per square foot, on February 25, 2010.  Short Sale

  5. Marina Blue #2710 - 1 bedroom/1.5 bath (845 square feet) – This unit sold for $185,000 or $219 per square foot, on February 10, 2010.  Short Sale

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The Ace
15 years ago

The average square foot price for the five Condos listed above that sold in February is $168.

Only $43 to go so I may very well be wrong on the avearge square foot price depreciating to $125 by 2011 for it could very well happen in 2010.

The Ace; fair, balanced and unafraid for over six years.

15 years ago

I would advise that Bill Wong and Ace get a room… so much love is in the air. The Ace may not spread the knowledge – since he has none – but if Bill Wong is persistent, may spread something else. But then again, there are plenty of signs that the Ace and Bill Wong and Renter Tom and Wild Bill are most likely the one and the same person, only in different incarnations – each with its own degree of idiocy.

15 years ago

something funny i heard today and which is relevant to the above sales…paramount bay is lowering their prices to the low 400s (sq/ft). when i asked the sales person how they could justify that…i got the usual, “there is no building like ours in this area” nonsense. when will these dumbf$%ks (and no, i’m not talking about the sales people – they’re just the developers/lenders’ lackey) realize that price, which drives financing, is the ultimate issue? if i can buy something down the street at 1800 for sub 200 sq ft these days, i’ll sleep well at night notwithstanding the fact i have an inferior pool or gym compared to PB.

regardless, i recently closed on my purchase. now the construction begins. let’s be clear -the real racket is trying to get these dickhead city officials to get off their asses and give me the necessary permits.

15 years ago

Ok, so the Ace is not only Renter Tom, Wild Bill and Bill Wong, but the Tire Kicker too. Keep it up)))

15 years ago

Wow, folks are losing big $ at 1800 Club with those latest comps.

15 years ago

jcrimes, congrats on your purchase. Exquisite timing.

15 years ago

Enzo, nobody is losing or making anything on comps. On September 3, 2009 , unit 3715 was sold in that building for $170/sq ft. Then, ONE DAY LATER , UNIT 1608 was let go for $241/sq ft.
A moron like you would say that on September 3, 2009, everybody in that building lost a lot of money, and a day later they all got rich again.
See how stupid you are ? Never mind, probably not…

15 years ago

OhMy (AJ?), Nobody cares what happened back in ancient Sept 03, 2009. What’s relevant is the latest comps, which are dropping more than rapper’s pants. When any buyer tries to get a mortgage, the appraiser has to go for the latest comps…not ancient 2009. You must be losing a lot of money. Sucker…we told you so.

15 years ago

Enzo, why keep on being a total moron? Do they pay you for beingan idiot? Tell me, what happens if tomorrow a unit in that building gets sold for $250/sq ft? If today folks had lost money, will they make money when that happens?

15 years ago

Bill Wong (Ace), ummm…. take a hike, troll.

Renter Sam
15 years ago

Is this the start of more distress sales to come??? Glad I’m still helping my Landlord with his mortgage and Hoa’s.

15 years ago

OhMy, “Tell me, what happens if tomorrow a unit in that building gets sold for $250/sq ft? If today folks had lost money, will they make money when that happens?”

Yes AJ, let’s hope for tomorrow or stick to ancient Sept 03, 2009. Never mind all the prices dropping today and last week. Better buy now for unrealistic fluff or you will be priced out tomorrow….hmmm, where have I heard that before?

15 years ago

If the current pace of distressed sales is only around 40 units per month, it seems like Miami’s market is nowhere near the bottom.

15 years ago

Enzo, pretty slick way not to answer the question. Still your wiesel skills don’t change the fact that you have no clue of what you are talking about.
Are you sure nothing was sold in Club 1800 at higher price per sq ft since February 25?

15 years ago

Bill Wong, you still here?…is TiredLicker sitting by your side?… and Renter Sam(Tom) si making you lunch? LOL. Your idiocy is so amusing…

15 years ago

Wow 174 / sf…and the floor isn’t that low either. Scary. Regression to the mean is a beatch when you get caught on the wrong side, isn’t it? 1800’s folks should go back to their Quicken to adjust that net worth (if any) wayyyyy down.

Nothing but headlines in the last few days about states and cities laying off workers. Jackson Health has just announced closing of two hospitals and up to 4,800 local layoffs eminent. When you see the supposedly “safe” jobs getting hit hard like that, you know prices have nowhere to go but down. Add higher rates which ALWAYS bring prices down, as the Fed’s done with 99% of MBS purchases.

15 years ago

Joe, do you know the exact number of short sales and foreclosures in Downtown Miami area still pending, or you are just expressing your otherwise completely worthless opinion?
If you know the number, don’t hesitate to provide a link to latest data. If not, join Bill Wong and TiredLicker in the sauna…

15 years ago

Enzo, the real beatch in life is when you miss real estate bottom, don’t know about it, realize what an idiot you are when it’s way too late, and then have to wait for another 15 years for the next collapse..which you’ll sit out as well…. Yeah, that sucks pretty bad.

15 years ago

OhMy, I don’t know what’s going to happen in 15 years. All I know is that folks who have waited to buy an unit at 1800 are picking at the bones now. $150 / sf doesn’t seem too far-fetched if you look at current events. Wow, $174 / sf and dropping fast. Scary stuff for people who rushed to buy there too early. You got screwed! Not only that, I know a guy who paid $270k for his unit at Cité. Now it’s being sold for $110k. Poof, $160 k gone in a few years. Imagine the loss at 1800. Talk about a haircut.

15 years ago

OhMy, are the Realtards (R) out in full force today! Wow!

Hurry, condos are going fast! Only three units left! Bargains, bargains, bargains! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the luxury Miami lifestyle you deserve! Hurry up and sign the contracts, you fools! Time is running out!!!

15 years ago

..I am very interested in living downtown…researched the prices..offered $270k for a 2 bedroom in Met 1 last week on the 23rd floor. The developer countered with $389k. they haven’t sold a unit there in 3 months. I don’t understand?

Renter Sam
15 years ago

This is my first time that I have written in to this blog ever (today) I find it can be very informative and at times very amusing. I am a renter and very happy today that I am a renter. I don’t know what OhMy’s problem is??? Maybe he LOST a lot of money in housing???? But he dosen’t have to be so rude with everyone that voices an opinion on here.Good luck to everybody reading this blog. Renter Sam (NOT TOM)!!!!!

15 years ago


Did you like the units at Met 1? When I went I thought the finishes were horrible and the doors felt like cardboard. It was a shame because I really liked the location and views.

15 years ago

Bill – At Met One – what was the square footage and what was the view west? or East? wayerview or city view?

15 years ago

Btw – Don’t purchase a condo on Miami Beach with an ocean view – unless you don’t mind effin noisy airplanes buzzing up and down and back and forth the beach alll effin day long with banner advertisements to buy the coooolest new Vodka or an invite to the latest new hot club in town.

Miami Skeptic
15 years ago

$389k for a 2/2 at met1 is a joke. that unit will stay on the market for a decade at that price.

The developer dumped a bunch of 2/2s in December for $250k or so in a bulk buy. Guess no one told the sales office…

15 years ago

“1800 Club #1811 – 1 bedroom/1.5 bath (1,095 square feet) – This unit sold for $190,000, or $174 per square foot, on February 25, 2010. Short Sale ”

.—> below is a list for 1800 club recent sales from for the month of feb 2010.

—-> Selling at 1800 club for $174 per sf is not tpyical, since these sold in feb 2010 for alot more then $174 per sqaure foot.

02/10 – #3002 – 1 1 – 643sf $195,000 – $303 per sf
02/10 – 2606 1 1 – 629 $185,000 – $294 per sf
02/10 – 2306 1 1 -629 $153,000 – $243 per sf
02/10 – 2007 2 2- 934 $400,000 – $428 per sf
02/10 – 2615 2 2 -1384 $353,000 – $255 per sf
02/10 – 2212 2 2 -1051 $304,000 – $289 per sf
02/10 -1501 3 3 -2189 $608,000 – 278

15 years ago

Been following Met1 for a while. It’s one of the buildings I would consider buying. I really like the location, since it can give you both downtown (when more businesses arrive) and Brickell in one easy walk. And I do like the river view with cityscapes. but the prices are indeed way too high for this building. Like Bill, I value the 2B units at around $250k (just like many other new 2B in the Brickell/Downtown area) but the banks/developers still seem to value them at over $350k. If they can find the buyers, great. Just not looking to dump $350k on 1100 sq ft of space which is replicated thousands of times-and more will come online since empty lots still exist. For $350k I can buy a single family home in more desirable locations such as coral gables, coconut grove, etc.

15 years ago

Met One – If the bulk buyer paid on average $250. per sq ft. at Met One for a bunch of units – why would he turn around and sell them at break even? Cost to build is probably 250-300 per sq ft.
Gables – You can’t buy any decent SF in the Grove or Coral Gables for $350,000. Unless maybe its the West Grove or Little Coral Gables up near Eighth Street.

15 years ago

Kramer — No one said anything about the bulk buyer reselling at a break-even price.

15 years ago

Kramer, I dont mean the mansions. But there are quite a few SFH which have sold sub $400k in the past couple of years. they are not extremely large, typically 2 bedroom with one bath (permits seem to make it difficult to expand number of bathrooms). but quite comparable to the 2B condos available today. obviously you cannot compare a 3,000 sq ft estate in the gables to an 1100 sq ft condo in brickell. but many older, smaller cottages still exist. kicker is you get the land to boot!

15 years ago

Owner@infnity – Understand your point on normal sales $ psf but I now get Aces prediction. See the title of this article and his reference point… it’s $125 psf on “distressed – foreclosed and short sales” with a good % of them being the lessor or poorly located units in each building. As more of them hit the market then yes we will see a continued erosion with this class of sale, but it will have a continued drag on normal market.

computer consultant
15 years ago

Any thoughts comments on Sunny Isles and aventura?

Renter Tom
15 years ago

My goodness…the full moon certainly brought out the freaks at night. Clam down people, there’s nothing to get sooo excited about.

15 years ago

Lucas seems to keep posting some very weird sales as the best ones. Who sincerely wants to live in any of these dumps?

15 years ago

Carlos — I wouldn’t call these places “dumps,” but the fact that the so-called “top sales” are all a bunch of 1-bedroom condos does seem like an interesting topic — i.e., does it mean the Miami market is stronger than we’ve thought, or simply more stagnant than we’ve thought, or does Lucas just have an odd definition of what makes for a good deal?

15 years ago


You said,
Owner@infnity – Understand your point on normal sales $ psf but I now get Aces prediction. See the title of this article and his reference point… it’s $125 psf on “distressed – foreclosed and short sales” with a good % of them being the lessor or poorly located units in each building. As more of them hit the market then yes we will see a continued erosion with this class of sale, but it will have a continued drag on normal market.

—–> Just FYI until ACE provides us with more information (like the name of building) on where he got the $97 per foot bulk sale in, I am disregarding everything that ACE (and his many many aliases) says on this blog.

—–> In my eyes he is just unneeded noise at this blog and until he provides verifiable facts (like I did on my deal and on my building) ACE will remain just noise.

—–> We need more facts and less noise on this blog. Facts are what buyers need to help them in selecting a condo to buy. The more facts a buyer has the better decision the buyer can make.

15 years ago


dump might have been a strong word, but if you go visit these buildings you will see how run down and poorly managed they are. Not to mention the types of neighbors you get in a place like that.
We have already made several points about this using MB as an example. For me regardless of cool a building may look from the outside or the great views it may offer ( eg MB ) they are not worth any money if you have to live with people who seem to have moved out of the ghetto and treat other people’s property as such. I would not even be interested if they were 50 usd sqft.
I guess for them MB and all these buildings are fantastic. For me it is the same as living in a vertical overtown. Especially considering the area and neighbors.. Gunshots, hobos and Florida crew!!

15 years ago

Any opinions on Museum Park 10 as to building and price?

15 years ago


As far as I know the prices in TMP keep coming down. Hoa is very high. Suitable for people who like lofts. Unless it is a unit facing east it is not worth looking at. Don’t see a point in purchasing a condo with problems, especially the ones located in hoboland. Traffic in the area has become a major issue as well.

15 years ago

The Ace:

I am very much interested in buying a 2B apartment in Brickell Key, what is your opinion on current prices and any projections?

Many thanks in advance.

15 years ago

the reason the 1B keep appearing in the best deals columns is probably because 1) there are alot of 1B units (square footage is nearly 1:2 compared to 2B units) and 2) if you are to take a 30% shave on your unit, that hit is less on a 1B than a 2B.

The majority of 2B seem to be behind in price compared to 1B-we have noted this many times in this blog. 2B prices have not fallen as much-but i still think they will fall like the 1B. It will just take longer for banks/investors to figure out how to digest a $200k loss on a 2B rather than a $100k loss on a 1B. This appears to be a psychological issue in the investment world.

Carlos, you seem to be opposed to all condos in the greater Miami area. Is there a building or location which could please you? Even if the condo were given to you free of charge? Most of the bears on here have issues with the prices, but most folks have their eye on a range of units to buy at the right price. You appear to be anti-condo-so why bother commenting on such a blog as this?

15 years ago


u get me completely wrong. I am just not biased by bs. My judgement on downtown is not empyrical but based on observation and comments from friends who regret having moved into the area.
I live in a real luxurious building in sofi and not a faux one like the ones who keep trying to push an unexisting luxury with people who destroy condos they don’t own and sleep on mattresses on the floor. Just go visit these places and you will see what I mean.

Renter Tom
15 years ago

jcrimes said: “regardless, i recently closed on my purchase. now the construction begins. let’s be clear -the real racket is trying to get these dickhead city officials to get off their asses and give me the necessary permits.”

– Hey what did you buy, a new decorator ready condo, an older condo that needs remodeling, a SFH, what??? Best wishes!

15 years ago

Have been touring the Marquis and starting pricing are all in $250-260’s p/ft official opening scheduled for march 18th with only 290 units and the quality a finishes buidling definitely stands out(over 30 already sold) .
Smallest unit loft 1bed/2 full bath +den 1657 sq ft living space and got financing in-house .
Here you go -they were %80 presold at $600-800 per foot a few years ago…
Now it is in hands of ISTAR and Africa Israel and will see how it goes…wont be surprised if they will slightly raise the prices if sales are gonna be really brisk after opening.

15 years ago


Marquis is really nice but it appeals to a very specific type of buyer.
Location next to the highway and right next to TMP makes it not so attractive in the original pricepoint.
The building is really nice though.

The Ace
15 years ago

Replies to Post #’s 38,42, 44 & 46 and anyone else thinking of buying a Condo:

I’m not a realtor nor do I use realtors but if you are interested in buying I suggest you contact Lucas. I will however provide to you some facts to help you make an informed decision. As to the details of acquisitions made by my associated and I, they are and will remain contractually confidential. Besides the US and Global ongoing recession resulting in massive unemployment, massive tax increases etc; here are some facts more pertinent to Miami. You be the Judge.

Robert Cooper says he has found a way to make money in South Florida’s real estate bust. Cooper, an attorney in Aventura, Florida, sues for refunds on deposits in the nation’s largest condominium market. In the last two years, he filed lawsuits for about 1,500 buyers against companies and individuals including the Related Group of Florida, Dezer Development LLC, Corus Bankshares Inc., Donald Trump. Fueling the litigation is a price crash that makes buyers unwilling to pour more money into bad investments — even if they can get financing. Condos on which they made deposits of up to $1,000 a square foot in 2006 are now selling for $125 to $250 a foot, said Jack McCabe, a real estate consultant in Deerfield Beach, Florida.

“If you’re thinking you can come here and buy and sell condos for a profit in less than ten years, you’re sadly mistaken,” said McCabe, whose clients have included Credit Suisse Group AG and Pulte Homes Inc., the largest U.S. homebuilder. “You need a – 10 to 15-year range.” Prices could fall to $100 a foot, less than half the cost of construction, and a value not seen in 20 years, he said. In Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, there are more than 63,000 condos and townhouses on the market, almost 1-1/2 times the number of single-family homes, according to Condo Vultures LLC, a Bal Harbour real estate brokerage. In downtown Miami, more than 12,000 condos stand vacant and unsold, relics of a building binge that added 33,000 condos from 2003 to 2008, said Peter Zalewski, principal of Condo Vultures.

Over the past 12 months, condo prices fell 15 percent in the West Palm Beach-Boca Raton area to a median of $112,200, 36 percent in Fort Lauderdale to $85,100 and 31 percent in Miami to $144,700, according to Florida Association of Realtors data. Those prices are likely to fall more when the $1 billion portfolio of South Florida condos financed by Corus Bankshares, the Chicago lender seized by federal regulators, goes on the market, Zalewski said. Investors led by Starwood Capital Group LLC won a bid for Corus’s loans. Two-thirds of the 3,537 condo units Corus financed in downtown Miami are unsold and unoccupied, Zalewski said.

“Why on earth would they create more cutthroat competition when they’re in such a good position with the federal government?” said Werley, who co-wrote a study on the condo glut for the Miami Downtown Development Authority. For Cooper, fighting over the spoils is a full-time job. Cooper said he has reached out-of-court settlements in disputes over 500 deposits, recovering about half of his clients’ money. He won’t say how much the refunds total or how much he has earned in contingency fees, which are usually about one-third of the recovery amount.

“There’s no recession in the real estate litigation community,” said Cooper, 46. The global recession, the credit crisis and tighter bank lending put an end to Miami’s condo growth.

The Ace; fair, balanced and unafraid for over six years.

15 years ago

Awesome report Ace!

15 years ago

drerossin – Marquis @ $250. per sq ft??? What you been smoking?

15 years ago

Not a condo…other than a few select buildings, I wouldn’t touch them in this market. The HOA issues would scare the hell out of me. Bought a home.

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