The Miami Marine Stadium Just Got a Gigantic New Mural by Miami Artist HoxxoH
August 24, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

The Miami Marine Stadium, a sculpture in itself, has been a canvas for extraordinary murals and wall art since its abandonment after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. The spectacle of perpetually changing paintings, as muralists and graffiti artists paint over their predecessors over and over again, is a lot like a vertical Wynwood, with water views. Miami artist Douglas Hoekzema, also known as HoxxoH, has created a huge circular eye, sun, or bulls-eye, with a flower-like iris inside a larger iris the deep blue color of the deep sea.
HoxxoH announced the piece, with great photography by Parcialmente Nublada (a.k.a. Diana Larrea) yesterday on his Facebook page, describing the process snappily: "Miami Marine Stadium 2016, 2Dudes, 2Days, 1Generator, 1AirlessSprayGun, 70Gallons.of.Paint, 1AwesomeStadium." As it gained a little bit of attention, he told the New Times today that he was inspired by the work of another local artist, Emmett Moore, who also did a large scale piece at the stadium, and by the constantly changing nature of the site:
"The temporary nature is the best part of this project," he says. "The stadium provided an amazing environment that was constantly being changed by artists, and I'm assuming it will be changing until the last minute."
It could even, speculated the NT, but the last massive mural created at the stadium, because of the Heineken-sponsored funding campaign to begin renovations and reopen it as an event venue. Or maybe not, considering the Heineken money, although a great start, is nowhere near enough to do the entire job. As Hoxxoh said "It will be changing until the last minute."
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