Some Serious I-Beams Went Up at Lincoln Road’s New Ross
April 28, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

When Miamians found out a year ago that discount fashion retailer Ross Dress for Less was moving to Lincoln Road, thanks to the sharp eye of photographer Phillip Pessar who notified your humble correspondent that Ross had posted a sign in front of their new premises and your humble correspondent broke the news on Curbed Miami, of which he (okay, I) was humbly the editor of at the time, people got a little worked up. While some saw the Ross as a good sign, that affordable merchandise was making its way to Miami Beach, others felt it was the downfall of Lincoln Road as a unique street for locals. The 'mall-ification' of Lincoln Road was complete.
"Walgreens moving into the Ritz and now this… You can spend $500 on a room then run downstairs for snackys and across the street for a party outfit to wear to Cameo." said one commenter.
"This is simply further proof that the only stores that can afford the exorbitant rents on Lincoln are the national chains. Here comes another one!" said another.
The multilevel retail building was supposed to be complete by October, but this being real life, well it isn't. Construction has, however, made considerable progress with the demolition of the former building (the last remnants of the historic Carib Theater) and the installation of two ross of absolutely massive I-beams that will eventually support a tall shade structure over the entrance to the new Ross. People may be dressing for less, but they'll buy those dresses (or shirts, pants, whatever) in a surprisingly dramatic structure.
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Sean congratulations you have added an interesting dimension to an excellent website!