Michael Dezer’s New Car Warehouse Says a Lot About the Relationship Between Men and Their Cars
May 3, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

They say men who buy big cars have small... feet, but how about men who have dozens and dozens? Developer Michael Dezer has purchased a warehouse at 5320 Powerline Road in Fort Lauderdale where he intends to hold some of his-ever expanding car collection. That is, after Dezer gets out the building's current occupants, a place called 'Dirt Cheap' with a picture of a chicken, out front. 'Dirt Cheap' is a chain of highly discounted retailers, not a chicken processing plant, so the chicken doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. However, if Dezer could (or would) leave the sign up with his fleet of cars parked around around, the self-effacing euphemism of it all would be great. Let's hope his sense of humor is bigger than some men's feet. The warehouse cost him $3.6 million.