Go Have Lunch at the Historic S & S Diner While it Still Exists
July 25, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

These are uncertain times for one of Miami's most historic dining establishments, the art deco S & S Diner on North Miami Avenue and 17th Street, across from the old Miami City Cemetery. Due to a lease dispute with the property's new owners the diner, which has been open constantly since 1938, was almost evicted, and the diner's owner, Simon Elbaz, is fighting the hard fight in court. Although at one point last week, the S & S could have really been evicted at any time, the diner was granted a small reprieve, and its case is currently pending. Of course that means they may only have a few more months to go, but that's enough time to check out the good ol' S & S for breakfast or lunch while it's still around. Fingers crossed it stays. We went for lunch on Friday.
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The place lost his soul 2014 and this is karma !!