Gloriously Gauche $21 Million Fisher Island Condo Comes With ‘Romanov Room’
June 16, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

The glory, and the onerous class snobbery, of the Tsars lives on in this tacky and tchochke-filled condo on Fisher Island, on the market for $21 million. The wood-beamed living room looks straight ouf of a dacha in the Urals, while the bedrooms, stuffed with enough throw pillows to make your head explode, have names. There's the Romanov Room, the Swan Room, and the Sentinel Room. Listed by the Jills, who call it "spectacular" and a "work of art," the place has been on the market for almost a year. The owner has, naturally hidden their identity behind and LLC, but we'll bet you a balalaika (a triangular Russian guitar) he or she is a Russian oligarch.
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