Downtown’s Magnificent Walgreens Building Has Hit the Market
June 9, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

The historic Walgreens Building on Flagler and E. 2nd Street, a beautiful classic streamlined moderne retail building from the art deco era that in recent years was home to the la época department store (which has its own fascinating history), has hit the market. With 5 stories above ground and 1 below, the 50,000 square foot structure has that rarest of Miami amenities, an actual basement. Inside is a grand, three-story atrium space with circular staircase and glass elevator, which originally contained, believe it or not, a Walgreens Drug Store. The price is "To be determined by the market" apparently, but if your'e a serious buyer (who intends to treat it as well as it deserves and not tear it down for some ugly P.O.S.), the Walgreens building is listed by Gerard Yetming and Mika Mattingly of Colliers International Realty. So, go ask them.
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