Closings at Centro Begin Last Week of May/First Week of June
April 27, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga

Centro is done. Well technically, it's almost done. According to representatives from the sales office, the Newgard Development Group's latest condo tower Centro, at the corner of SE 1st Street and 2nd Avenue, is expecting to begin closings the last week of May/first week of June. Presumably that will be when the project receives its Temporary Certificate of Occupancy as well. At the moment construction fencing and scaffolding are still up, but the construction cranes have been removed.
Centro was one of the earliest to herald the resurgence of Downtown Miami in this real estate cycle (after the apocalypse of 2008 that is) and was even a little controversial in the beginning because it was built without a garage. And you know how Miamians love their cars. Then during site excavation, some nincompoops saw the unearthed foundations of a hotel formerly on the site and thought they had found Roman ruins. Hopefully the project, will be as entertaining when it's done as it was watching it get built. We're looking forward to seeing those Yves Behar-designed interiors too.