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1212 Lincoln Mixed-Use Project Gets Approved at Galbut’s Prized Lincoln-Alton Property

July 8, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga
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Developer Russell Galbut, the developer and 'big man in charge' at his development firm Crescent Heights, probably controls more Alton Road frontage than any single other individual, and he's working on a series of infill developments that eventually may change the face of the street entirely. And that's probably a good thing, because Alton from the Dade Canal south is really quite blah. You can already see construction bringing changes closer to 5th Street, Galbut also has a new Whole Foods Market in the works up on 19th and Alton, and now a redesigned and enlarged complex absorbing an entire block SW of the intersection with Lincoln (the previous design had been more angular). The project, which is being designed by two firms doing separate sections, Perkins+Will and Avroko, was just approved by the Miami Beach Design Review Board. This is primo, primo property, so Galbut is going all the way. The five story project includes a 447-space parking garage, a large food court functioning as a "common space" overlooking Alton Road,  a 100 guest room luxury hotel, and retail.

And yes, 1212 Lincoln is obviously a riff on 1111 Lincoln, the famous parking garage catercorner to it across the intersection.

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