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$10.5M Mediterranean Revival Tower Penthouse is Most Expensive Condo in Coral Gables

August 11, 2016 by Lucas Lechuga


If you've ever been to the Al Capone Suite at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, FL, in an ancient-feeling tower straight out of Medieval Spain, there's a feeling of being on top of the world even though the suite is only on the 13th floor. That's the feeling the designers of this tower must have had in mind when they designed the crowning penthouse of the Segovia Tower, an 8,492 square foot aerie not far from the Biltmore that's bedecked in crenelations and cupolas. It's a thrilling feeling of escapism, even though this place is only two floors higher. The unit comes with eight bedrooms, a whopping 12 baths, a just as whopping 5 parking spaces, and two kitchens. At $10.5 million, this is also the most expensive Coral Gables condo.

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