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Museum Park Opening Ceremony

June 14, 2014 by Lucas Lechuga
Miami residents showing support and appreciation at Museum Park opening ceremony

After 14 years and around $40M, Museum Park officially opened this morning.  The people of Miami were in attendance to show their support and appreciation.  City of Miami Mayor, Tomas Regalado; City of Miami Commissioner, Marc Sarnoff; and Superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Alberto Carvalho; each spoke at the opening ceremony which was marked by the arrival of the iconic United States Coast Guard Cutter Eagle.

Museum Park opening ceremony

As a long-time resident of Miami, the opening of Museum Park is almost surreal to me.  It had been talk for so long that it was hard to believe at times that it would actually ever happen.  However, the day has finally arrived and, I must say, the park is spectacular.  It is such a beautiful gift not only to the people of Miami but also their four-legged friends.  It is fair to say that prior to today's park opening, much of Downtown Miami was a concrete jungle.  Now the children and dogs of Miami have a place to run around and play.  I personally do not have any children but am a proud owner of a Miniature Schnauzer named Lucky.  A few days ago while walking him at Museum Park, I asked Lucky how he enjoyed the new park.  His response says it all.


Below are other pictures I took from this morning's Museum Park opening ceremony:

Museum Park

Museum Park

Lucky The Miniature Schnauzer

Spike The Miniature Schnauzer

Museum Park
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10 years ago

Great park, It really ads to the area and many people have been waiting for this to be finished. Sharing!

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